Event History
India's transition to a low carbon economy
Presentation and discussion by Prof. Kirit Parikh
Location: FU Berlin, Henry-Ford Bau, Conference roomof the Academic Senate
"On tap, on top, or on the rack? The role of scientists in the wicked world of public policy-making"
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Ihnestr. 22, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Stakeholder consultations in the Energy DG: Can they help mainstream climate change?
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Eleftheria Vasileiadou, VU University Amsterdam.
Location: Forschungszentrum für Umweltpolitik, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Raum 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Which Way for the EU-ETS? Crisis & Opportunity in the European Union Emission Trading Scheme
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Michael K. Dorsey, Dartmouth College
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau, Garystr. 35, Senatssaal
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Climate Policy Innovation
Lecture and discussion with Prof. Andrew J. Jordan, University of East Anglia
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau, Garystr. 35, Senatssaal
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Die Analyse umweltpolitischen Wandels in der vergleichenden Policy-Forschung: Konzeptionelle Probleme und mögliche Alternativen
Lecture and discussion with Prof. Christoph Knill, Universität Konstanz
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau, Garystr. 35, Senatssaal
Berlin Sustainability Talk: The Influence of Regulations on Innovation: A Conceptual Approach and Empirical Evidence from 21 OECD Countries
Presenter: Professor Dr. Knut Blind, TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Innovationsökonomie an der Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Management
Location: Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability talk: Economic growth ante portas
Lecture & discussion: Prof. H. Diefenbacher, R. Zieschank
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau, Garystr. 35, Senatssaal
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Reflexive Governance – or: how to organise learning towards sustainable development
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Sabine Weiland, Senior Researcher at the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Berlin
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Sustainable Perspectives for Metropolitan Regions. Ex-ante Impact Assessment Tools for Sustainable Planning and Decision Making
Lecture and discussion with Dirk Wascher, Senior Researcher at the Environmental Policy Research Centre, Berlin and Alterra, Wageningen
Location: Environmental Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: From Copenhagen to Legoland? On the Rise of the Building Blocks Approach in International Climate Policy
Lecture and discussion mit Dr. Robert Falkner, Senior Lecturer at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
Location: Environmental Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: The Budget Approach of the WBGU and its relevance for climate policy after Copenhagen
Lecture and discussion with Dr.Inge Paulini, secretary-general of the WBGU
Location: Environmental Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Impact Assessment and Sustainability - Innovation and praxis in the EU and its Member States
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Klaus Jacob, Environmental Policy Research Centre
Location: Environmental Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Governing new technologies: Nanotechnology governance between ambitions and realities
Lecture und discussion with Julia Hertin, Secretariat of the German Advisory Council on the Environment (SRU)
Location: Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Raum 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Reduced CO2 emissions through less deforestation - Chances and challenges of REDD as an instrument of climate change mitigation from a governance perspective
Lecture and discussion with Dr.Markus Lederer, Universität Potsdam
Location: Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Raum 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Beyond cooperation: decentralized environmental policy coordination in the international system
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Per-Olof Busch, Universität Potsdam and Dr. Helge Jörgens,Environmental Policy Research Centre
Location: Forschungsstelle für Umweltpolitik, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Raum 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Can there be Cross National Learning in the Diffusion of Environmental Policy?
Lecture and discussion with Dr. David Dolowitz, University of Liverpool and Dr. Dale Medearis, Northern Virginia Regional Commission (USA)
Location: Otto Suhr Institute, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 21, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Hörsaal B
Berlin Sustainability Talk: The Legal Value of the European Commission's Regulatory Impact Assessment Procedure
Lecture and discussion with Thomas Delille, Université Paris II Panthéon-Assas / University of Luxembourg
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Wind Power in Germany - Constellations of driving forces and potentials for regulation.
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Dörte Ohlhorst, German Advisory Council on the Environment
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: New Governance Approaches in European Energy Policy
Lecture and discussion with apl. Prof. Dr. Dr. Joachim Sanden, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Ecological Industrial Policy - Relabelling or a New Quality of Environmental Policy?
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Klaus Jacob, Environmental Policy Research Centre
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: The Politics of the German Forest - Conflicts, Analysis, Prospects
Lecture and discussion with Dr. Georg Winkel, Institute of Forest and Environmental Policy, University Freiburg
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Climate Protection through Technology Forcing
Lecture and discussion with Prof. Dr. Martin Jänicke, Founding Director of the Environmental Policy Research Centre
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Soup, Society or System?
Lecture and discussion with Prof. John Dryzek, Australian National University, Canberra
Location: Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science, Freie Universität Berlin, Garystraße 55, Berlin-Dahlem, room 121
Berlin Sustainability Talk: Sustainable Development trough participative Governance?
Lecture and discussion with Prof. Dr. Jens Newig, Institute for Environmental and Sustainability Communication, Leuphana University Lüneburg
Location: FU Berlin, Garystraße 65, Raum 1-103