Berlin Sustainability Talk: The Influence of Regulations on Innovation: A Conceptual Approach and Empirical Evidence from 21 OECD Countries
Presenter: Professor Dr. Knut Blind, TU Berlin, Fachgebiet Innovationsökonomie an der Fakultät für Wirtschaft und Management
At first sight, regulation and innovation appear to be incompatible concepts. However, empirical results show that their relationship is ambiguous. Based on a conceptual model that combines both classical growth theory and Schumpeterian approaches, the presentation begins by highlighting both innovation-friendly and innovation-constraining aspects of different types of regulations. Following these introductory remarks, empirical evidence from a panel data set from 21 OECD countries will be presented. The results will then be discussed within the context of the conceptual framework. Finally, implications for economic policy will be drawn.
Following the presentation, Rainer Quitzow (Environmental Policy Research Centre) will place the results within the context of current debates on innovation-oriented environmental policy and discuss possible lessons for developing and refining approaches for an ecological innovation and industrial policy.
The presentation will be held in German.
The Berlin Sustainability Talk is a monthly brown bag seminar at the Environmental Policy Research Centre (ffu). It presents a forum for discussion and exchange about ongoing research projects and recent trends in environmental policy research with scholars of other institutes, business representatives, politics, and public administrations as well as the interested public.
Time & Location
Apr 07, 2011 | 04:30 PM
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre, Freie Universität Berlin, Ihnestraße 22, Berlin-Dahlem, Room 3.1c