Contributions to the ISA Annual Convention 2018
Many colleagues from the Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe" and the Collaborative Research Center SFB 700 "Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood" are going to present and discuss their research at the ISA Annual Convention 2018. Furthermore, there is going to be a joint reception with the SFB 700, the KFG and GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies.
Jour Fixe with Gözde Yilmaz (Atılım University, Ankara)
Gözde Yilmaz (Atılım University, Ankara) is going to hold a presentation with the title: “Machiavellian Zeitgeist! Populism and Post-truth Strategy“ Salome Minesashvili will be discussant for this presentation. For further information please contact .
Jour Fixe with Jolyon Howorth
Jolyon Howorth is going to hold a presentation with the title: “Strategic autonomy and EU-NATO Cooperation: squaring the circle”. Elin Hellquist will be the discussant for this presentation. The Jour Fixe takes place at Ihnestr. 26, room 202. For further information please contact .
Roundtable "Europäische Lösungen für Globale Probleme? Die EU im regionalen Vergleich"
Location: Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften Jägerstraße 22/23 10117 Berlin Einstein-Saal
Jour Fixe with Salome Minesashvili
The Research College kindly invites you to the Jour Fixe presentation by Salome Minesashvili "Identity Change and Continuation in the Post-Soviet States European Identity Beyond Community: Cases of Georgia and Ukraine" Bidzina Lebanize will be the discussant for this presentation
Location: KFG Ihnestr. 26 (Room 202), 14195 Berlin
Jour Fixe with Simon Koschut
The Research College kindly invites you to the Jour Fixe presentation by Simon Koschut "The Power of Emotions in World Politics". Anna Holzscheiter will be discussant for this presentation.
Conference "Comparative Regionalism: State of the Art and Future Directions"
Location: University of Pretoria
Jour Fixe with Konstantin Vössing
The Research College kindly invites you to the Jour Fixe presentation by Konstantin Vössing ((HU Berlin, Department of Social Sciences, Comparative Politics) "Issue stretching. The effects of unsubstantiated justifications for European integration on the explainer, the explained policy, and the democratic process"
Authors' Workshop: Oxford Handbook "European Integration Theories"
Location: FU Berlin
International Workshop "IR 2030"
Location: University of Wyoming, Laramie, Wyoming, USA
International Workshop "Regionalism in Hard Times"
Location: Ihnestr. 26, 14195 Berlin (Otto Suhr Institute), Room 202, 3rd floor
Workshop II “Peripheries in Competition? The Politics and Political Economy of Convergence and Divergence in the European Union”
Location: FU Berlin
Conference “Energy Issues from the Comparative Regionalism Perspective”
Location: FU Berlin
Conference “From Empires to Empire? European Integration in Global Context, 1950s to 1990s"
Location: FU Berlin
Conference “Comparative Regionalism: State of the Art and the Road Ahead”
Location: Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro
Breakfast Book Launch and Panel Discussion "European Public Spheres. Politics is Back"
Location: German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP), Boulevard Saint-Michel 80, B-1040 Brussels, 1st Floor
Buchpräsentation und Podiumsdiskussion "European Public Spheres. Politics is Back"
Location: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften (Einstein Saal)
Berliner Europa-Dialog: Europa in der Krise?
"Berliner Europa-Dialog: Europa in der Krise?" is a panel discussion about debate on Europe in Germany from the perspective of European reporters. KFG research director Tanja A. Börzel will chair the discussion, which will be held in German language.
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Henry-Ford-Bau, Hörsaal A, Garystraße 35,14195 Berlin