Conference on the Governance of Supply Chains
Presentation on the potential impact of the EU Deforestation Regulation by Prof. Dr. Lena Partzsch at the conference "Public interests without borders: investigating the EU's transnational ambitions” together with Michael Mason, PhD, Professor of Environmental Geography, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Location: Asser Institute Address: R.J. Schimmelpennincklaan 20-22 2517 JN The Hague Netherlands
"Achieving environmental sustainability and social justice through supply chain laws"
Guest lecture by Prof. Partzsch (online participation possible after registration, see "location")
Location: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen/Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Büsgenweg 3, 37077 Göttingen/ online via Zoom (registration via
“Not just an inconvenient truth: climate policy in polarized times”
Keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Lena Partzsch at the general meeting of BUND Berlin followed by a discussion (in German).
Location: bUm (Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21, 10999 Berlin)
Global supply chains in focus - case studies from the Brazilian Amazon region and Cerrado (with Prof Dr Lena Partzsch)
Location: Deutsche Umwelthilfe e.V. (in the attic), Hackescher Markt 4 (entrance: Neue Promenade 3), 10178 Berlin
Polarization and Deep Contestations: The Liberal Script in the United States
Location: DGAP, Rauchstr. 17, 10787 Berlin & via Zoom
75 years of the Basic Law. Is Our Federal System Still Fit for Purpose?
Forum of Federations & Freie Universität Berlin. With the support of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and Community.
Location: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Jägerstraße 22-23, 10117 Berlin
Workshop on Federalism at Otto-Suhr-Institut
Location: Saal 0.2051 in der Holzlaube, Fabeckstraße 23–25 (U-Bahn Dahlem-Dorf)
Lecture and panel discussion on the UN Development Goals (SDGs)
Keynote speech by Dr. Albert Denk on the research results of the study and the book "Sustainable Development and Global Inequality" followed by a panel discussion
Location: Freie Universität Berlin, Seminarzentrum (Otto-von-Simson-Straße 26, Raum L115, 14195 Berlin)
The mob of tomorrow: How is political journalism changing?
Location: Ihnestraße 21, Lecture hall B
‘Farming a Sustainable Bioeconomy’ (GFFA Forum) with Prof Partzsch
Location: CityCube Berlin (Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin)
How can we move faster towards “Zero Hunger” by 2030?
Prof. Partzsch at Welthungerhilfe workshop
Location: Online
Public Lecture: Sustainable development and water: cross-sectoral, transboundary and multi-level governance arrangements (Dr. Manuel Fischer)
Sustainable development and water: cross-sectoral, transboundary and multi-level governance arrangements Dr. Manuel Fischer , Group Leader Eawag/ Adjunct Professor at the Institute of Political Science, University of Bern
Location: Lecture hall A, Henry-Ford-Building, Garystraße 35, 14195 Berlin
25. April, 19 Uhr im Deutschen Theater: „Bitte (nicht) berühren!“ – Überlegungen zu Immersion in Kunst und Alltag. Cilja Harders im Gespräch mit Doris Kolesch
Location: Deutsches Theater Schumann 13a 10117 Berlin
Korea Europe Center 2021 Human Security and Development Forum
Europe and Asia Fighting COVID-19 Together: Mutual Lessons from the Pandemic
Location: WebEx (online)
Ministry of Unification Emerging Leaders Webinar
Location: Online
Asia Centre Paris conference on the EU-ROK partnership in the post-Covid and US-China trade war era
Location: Online
World Korea Forum 2020
Location: Online
Strategic Dialogue with Korea(s)
Location: FU Berlin & Online
IFES International Online Conference on North Korea International: (Re)Evaluating, (Re)Viewing, and (Re)Connecting in a COVID World
Location: Online & Seoul
CPCS International Conference for Korean Peninsula Peace
Location: Siem Riep, Cambodia & Online
Relay for Democracy Berlin / Štafeta pro demokracii
Location: Haus für Poesie, Knaackstraße 97 (Kulturbrauerei), 10435 Berlin
The European Union’s Foreign and Security Policy: Challenges for the Next Five Years
Location: Diplomatic Academy Vienna
Workshop "Föderalismus" (DVPW)
Location: FU Berlin, Garystraße 55, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Raum HS B
"Solidarity, immigration and social class" - Public Lecutre by Prof. Dr. Lea Ypi
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Otto-Suhr-Institut für Politikwissenschaft Ihnestr. 21 Hörsaal A
Raisina Dialogue 2020
Location: New Delhi, India
8th Asian Peace Practitioners´ Research Conference
Location: Siem Reap, Cambodia
Conference "70 Years of Grundgesetz"
Location: Bundesrat Leipziger Straße 3-4 10117 Berlin
APISA Bangkok
Location: The Faculty of Humanities, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand
Konferenz der ostasiatischen Zentren für Deutschland- und Europastudien
Location: Peking University
UMV 11th International Symposium - Czech Foreign Policy
Location: Czernin Palace, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Loretánské náměstí 5, Prague 1
13th Pan-European Conference on International Relations
Location: Sofia University "Sveti Kliment Ohridski" Bulgaria
20th World Korea Forum
Location: New York Columbia University
2019 KPSA Biennial International Conference
Location: Konkuk University Seoul Campus Seoul, South Korea
Panel Discussion "Right-wing Populism in Europe" | Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften 2019 (Long Night of Science)
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science / Cluster of Excellence „Contestations of the Liberal Script (SCRIPTS)"
Location: Fabeckstraße 23/25, 14195 Berlin 9c on the area map Busroute: blue
FU Fachbereichstag
Location: Freie Universität Berlin
2019 EUSA International Biennial Conference
Location: Denver, Colorado Sheraton Denver Downtown
Lecture at the University of California, Berkeley on EU's Foreign Policy Towards North Korea
Location: University of California, Berkeley 201 Moses Hall
Six Minute Challenge Berlin
Location: Tschechisches Zentrum Berlin Wilhemstraße 44, 10117 Berlin
CANCELLED „Austerity as Tragedy? From Neoliberal Governmentality to the Critique of Late Capitalist Control“ - Public Lecture by Prof. Nicholas Kiersey
Location: Otto Suhr Institute of Political Science Ihnestr. 22, 14195 Berlin Room G
"Why is there no just riot theory?" - Public lecture by Prof. Jonathan Havercroft
Location: Otto-Suhr-Institute for Political Science Ihnestr 21/ A
"Borders of Personhood: Migration, Human Rights, and Sovereignty " - Public Lecture by Prof. Ayten Gündoğdu
Location: Ihnestr. 21/ A
Tagung zum deutschen Bundesstaat
Location: Bundesrat Leipziger Straße 3-4 10117 Berlin
Governing Nuclear Waste Conference – Save the date
Location: Harnack-Haus, Ihnestraße 16-20, 14195 Berlin
Berlin Sustainability Talk
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Environmental Policy Research Centre Room 3.1b Ihnestr. 22 14195 Berlin
Berlin Sustainability Talk
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Environmental Policy Research Centre Room 3.1c Ihnestr. 22 14195 Berlin
Berlin Sustainability Talk
Location: Freie Universität Berlin Environmental Policy Research Centre Room 3.1c Ihnestraße 22 14195 Berlin
Workshop: The role of EU policies in renewable energy transitions in European countries
Location: Oslo, Litteraturhuset
Opening Conference EU-STRAT
Location: 08.06.2016: 4 - 7 p.m. Embassy of the Republic of Lithuania in Germany Charitéstraße 9 10117 Berlin-Mitte 09.06-10.06.2016: Hotel Angleterre Friedrichstraße 31 10969 Berlin-Mitte
2016 Berlin Conference on Global Environmental Change
Transformative Global Climate Governance "aprés Paris"
Location: Freie Universität Berlin
Workshop: Multi-level policy entrepreneurship
Location: Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften Jägerstraße 22/23 10117 Berlin
Talk with Prof. Jacob Park on “Climate change-induced Human Migration and Displacement: Understanding the Theoretical and Policy Implications”
Location: Ihnestrasse 22, FFU Conference Room 3.1.c. 14195 Berlin U-Bahn Thielplatz (U3)
Workshop:‘Political Elites and Institutions in Multi-Level Countries: A Comparative Perspective’
December 3-4, 2015 Freie Universität Berlin Garystraße 35, Henry-Ford-Bau, Konferenzraum III Organizers: Elena Semenova and Sabine Kropp (Freie Universität Berlin) For registration to the workshop, please contact Program Poster Flyer
Symposium "Parlament im Wandel"
Location: Landtag Thüringen
Workshop: Incumbent-Challenger Dynamics in Energy Transitions
Location: Representation of the Federal State of Hessen In den Ministergärten 5, 10117 Berlin, Germany
20. REFORM Group Meeting Salzburg
Location: Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg/Austria
Berlin Sustainability with Gian Franco Chiai
Location: Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU), Ihnestraße 22, Room 3.1c
The New Juncker Commission: Setting New Directions for EU Environmental Policy?
David Baldock Executive Director, Institute for European Environmental Policy
Location: Gary Strasse 55 (Room C)
Challenges of Multi-Level Governance for the German energy transition ("Energiewende")
Location: Kalkscheune, Johannisstraße 2, 10117 Berlin
Conference "Towards a Global System of Multi-Level Climate Governance"
Location: IASS Potsdam, Berliner Straße 130 D-14467 Potsdam
19. REFORM Group Meeting Salzburg
Location: Schloss Leopoldskron, Salzburg/Austria
Seminar on the "Reform of the Finanzausgleich 2019"
On June 26/27, 2014, a seminar called "Das Teilen beherrschen. Analysen zur Reform des Finanzausgleichs 2019“ takes place at the FU Berlin (Dahlem). Hosts are Prof. Dr. Joachim Wieland (Uni Speyer), René Geißler (Bertelsmann-Stiftung), Felix Knuepling (Forum of Federations) und Prof. Dr. Sabine Kropp (FU Berlin). The programme is made available here . ACCESS THE PAPERROOM
Location: Habelschwerdter Allee 45, 14195 Berlin-Dahlem, Silberlaube, Seminarzentrum Raum L115
International PhD Workshop: "Environment. Energy. Climate."
Location: Clubhaus Dahlem