Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger
Universitätsprofessor für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Sprecher des SFB 1171 "Affective Societies", Stellvertretender Geschäftsführender Direktor der WE 04 (Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie) & Leiter der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Prof. Dr. Anika König
Vertretungsprofessorin am Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Prof. Dr. Dominik Mattes
Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology/Gobal Health
Gastprofessur am Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Müge Akpinar
Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
PhD Research on ''Cultivating Muslim Healthy Selves: 'True Medicine', Virtue Ethics, and Everyday Islam in Istanbul" (Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies)
Giorgio Brocco
Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Kultur- und Sozialanthropologie, Universität Wien
Hellena Debelts
Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Forschung: "Networking with Viruses – A multispecies ethnography of zoonotic viral pathogen circulation in The Gambia and in international transdisciplinary health research"
Alexia Dufour
Stud. Hilfskraft (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger) Unterstützung der Arbeitsstelle im VW-Projekt "Mobility Regimes of Pandemic Preparedness and Response (MoREPPaR): The Case of Covid-19"
Dr. Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves
Wiss. Mitarbeiter (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger), Forschung und Lehre an der Arbeitsstelle Medial Anthropology/Global Health
Forschung und Lehre in der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Yuan Kong
Stud. Hilfskraft (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Unterstützung im DFG-Projekt "Taiwans prekäre Partnerschaften: Chinesische Medizin als Form von public und everyday diplomacy in 'südwärts' gerichteten Global Health Kooperationen"
Dr. Glaucia Maricato
Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Research project "The uncounted lives of people affected by leprosy in Brazil"
Kelly Mulvaney
Doktorandin am Department of Anthropology, University of Chicago Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health & Visiting Researcher am IfSKA/FU
Projekt: Medizin- und psychologisch-anthropologische Forschung zu zervikaler Dysplasie in Hinblick auf Sexualität und biopsychosoziale Entwicklung
Simon Mutebi
Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar es Salaam
Grace Lanek Oroma
Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Forschungsthema: "Care and care practices during and after Ebola outbreaks: An ethnographic study of frontline health workers and Ebola survivors of the Ebola outbreak in Gulu in 2000/01, Uganda"
Dr. Ursula Probst
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin aus VW-Drittmitteln (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Forschung im VW-Projekt Mobility Regimes of Pandemic Preparedness and Response (MoREPPaR): The Case of Covid-19
Gaofeng Qi
Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Promotionsforschung: "Cochlear Implants and Care Trajectories in Urban China" (Förderung: DAAD & Graduate School East Asian Studies)
Carlos Rocha
Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Projekt: "Mastering Infections: An ethnography of traveling capacity building on infection prevention and control (IPC) in Guinea and Ivory Coast"
Dr. Britta Rutert
Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Arbeitsgruppenkoordinatorin "Zukunft der Medizin" an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften
Max Schnepf
Wiss. Mitarbeiter und Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Promotionsforschung im DFG-Projekt "PrEP-Intimitäten in Berlin: Affektive Ambivalenzen und verkörperte Subjekte der biomedizinischen HIV-Prophylaxe"
Anitha Tingira
Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar es Salaam
Tina Walther
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger), Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology | Global Health
Nina Zeldes
Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Health Researcher, Health Research Group, Public Citizen (Washington DC); Doctoral Research (compl. 2019): "'Stay Healthy!": Health Care and Health Insurance Expectations among German, Japanese and Indian Highly Skilled Migrants in the USA"
Niu Zhuo
Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Doctoral research "COVID-19 at the Chinese Border: Ethnographic Research on a Border City in Yunnan" (Förderung: DAAD & Graduate School East Asian Studies)
Archiv (Gastforscher:innen)
Dr. Hannah Brown
Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Durham University
Research on "People, Animals and Infectuous Disease: A new sythesis" (2017, Economic and Social Research Council ESRC)
Prof. Dr. Heide Castaneda
Professor of Anthropology, University of South Florida
Research on "Impact of European Union Membership on the Roma Living in Germany" (2011-12, Fulbright)
Prof. Pamela Feldman-Savelsberg
Professor at Carleton College, USA
Research Project "Birth and Belonging in an African Diaspora: Global Webs and Local Exclusion from Cameroon to Berlin" (2011-2012)
Dr. Bo Kyeong Seo
Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Area Studies at Freie Universität Berlin (POINT Program); associate member of the research area Medical Anthropology
Research Project "Dialysis as an Assemblage of Care: Health, Technology, and Forms of Life in Contemporary Thailand" (2015-16)
Prof. Basile Ndjio
Associate Professor in Social and Political Anthropology at the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, University of Douala
Research on "Traditional Chinese Medicine and transnational healing processes in Cameroon" (2016-2019, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
PhD Malgorzata Rajtar
Associate Professor at RDSRC - Rare Disease Social Research Center
Research project "Refusal of Blood Transfusions: Religious Identity and Modern Medical Authority" (2011-2013, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
Dr. Matthew Wilhelm-Solomon
Lecturer at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg
Research Project "Salvaged Lives: A Study of Urban Migration, Ontological Insecurity, and Healing in Johannesburg" (2014-2015)
Tyler Zoanni
Associated with Research Area Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Postdoc at Max-Planck-Institut für Ethnologische Forschung in Halle, with the project "Reaping the Whirlwind: Making the Demographic Dividend in Africa"