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Medical Anthropology | Global Health

Die Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology | Global Health widmet sich der Erforschung der Vielfalt medizinischer und gesundheitsbezogener Praktiken, Institutionen und Wissensformen weltweit. Ausgehend von Perspektiven der Critical Medical Anthropology und sozialwissenschaftlichen Theorien und Methoden analysieren wir, wie diese Handlungsweisen, Organisationsformen und Ideen mit lokalen und transnationalen Machtverhältnissen verwoben sind. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt liegt auf den Veränderungen von körperlichen und psychischen Befindlichkeiten sowie den damit verbundenen Formen von Medizin und Heilung im Kontext von Globalisierung und der politischen bzw. ökonomischen Transformation von Gesundheitssystemen.

Gender, Body, Sexuality

This research area provides a platform for the debate and ethnographic study of gender, the human body and sexualities in the field of Social and Cultural Anthropology. It is anchored in feminist and queer anthropological approaches that engage in an analysis of the cultural and place-specific dynamics of gender, body and sexuality. The research area seeks to strengthen an ethnographic approach within transdisciplinary Gender and Sexuality Studies on the one hand, and critical approaches to gender and sexualities within (German-speaking) Social and Cultural Anthropology on the other.

"Affective Societies: Dynamiken des Zusammenlebens in bewegten Welten"

Die DFG hat im Jahr 2015 an der Freien Universität einen neuen Sonderforschungsbereich eingerichtet, an dem die Berliner Ethnologie mit mehreren Projekten wesentlich beteiligt ist. Am 01.07.2015 hat der SFB 1171 „Affective Societies - Dynamiken des Zusammenlebens in bewegten Welten“ seine Arbeit aufgenommen, der Verbund arbeitet mittlerweile erfolgreich in seiner dritten und letzten Laufzeit bis 2027.

Weitere Schwerpunkte

Freigeist Fellowship - The Populism of the Precarious

How do religiously discriminated communities in India and Pakistan become political actors in the 21st century? How does the role of the digital in everyday life change the establishment and sustainability of religious minorities' social movements in transnational and local publics and, in fact, their attempts to emerge as ‘the people'? And what can case-studies of politically active religious minorities in South Asia contribute to recent discussions on the global rise of populism—whose analysis, so far, has been dominated by European and American examples?

Religious Diversity in Transnational Context

This site provides an overview of the various research activities that Hansjörg Dilger has initiated and supervised in the field of “religious diversity in transnational context” at FU Berlin. Much of the current research at the institute is oriented towards the exploration of religious diversity in Eastern African cities, but it is equally concerned with the way religious practice and organization have been affected and transformed by processes of globalization in rural and urban places in other parts of Africa and beyond. The main focus of the ongoing work on religion in this research area is on “new” Muslim and Christian organizations, as well as on the reconfiguration of ritual and “traditional” religious practice (including aspects of religious healing) in an interconnected world.

Christian & Muslim FBOs in Urban Africa

This DFG-funded project explores ethnographically how the recent integration of faith-based initiatives (both formal and informal ones) into development activities is embedded in the wider reconfigurations of the public sphere in sub-Saharan Africa and the global resurgence of religion. To investigate the conjuncture of faith and development, we conduct case studies of transnational Christian and Muslim FBOs in three metropoles: Lagos (Nigeria), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) and Cape Town (South Africa).

SFB 1171 Affective Societies
Berlin Southern Theory Lecture