Prof. Basile Ndjio

Associate Professor in Social and Political Anthropology at the Faculty of Letters and Social Sciences, University of Douala
Research on "Traditional Chinese Medicine and transnational healing processes in Cameroon" (2016-2019, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation)
- 2022 (with Kerstin Pinther and Kristin Kastner, eds.). Fashionscapes: Histories, Materialities and Aesthetic Practices in the Afropolis. Bloomsbury Publishing
- 2013. Rapid Assessment on the Attitude, Perception and Practices Relative to HIV/AIDS among MSM in Cameroon. Yaoundé: CDC/ NACC.
- 2012. Magie et enrichissement illicite: Feymania au Cameroun (Magic and illicit enrichment in Cameroon). Paris: Karthala.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals
- 2023a. “Coronavirus, Imagined Location and Disenchanted Home in Africa.” In: Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies , Vol. 23, No. 1. DOI: 10.3138/diaspora.23.1.2023.02.14
- 2023b. “Rhizomic authoritarianism: power, biopolitics and transnational practices in Cameroon.” In Julia Gurol, Alke Jenss, Fabricio Rodriguez, Benjamin Schuetze & Cita Wetterich eds., Authoritarian Power and Contestation Beyond the State. Globalizations, Special Issue, 23 March (
- 2022a. “The Nation and its Racial Other: Blackness, Racism, and Racial Capitalism in the Netherlands.” In: Conflict and Society: Advances in Research 8:275–288. doi:10.3167/arcs.2022.080117
- 2022b. “Garçons manqués and femmes fortes: Ambivalent Representation of Butch Lesbianism in Women’s Football in Cameroon.” In: African Studies Review 65, Nr.3: 568-590.
- 2020. “Death without Mourning: Homosexuality, Homo Sacer, and Bearable Loss in Cameroon.” In: Africa / Journal of International African Institute 90, 5: 152-169.
- 2018. “Mokoagne moni: l'argent du diable, le donmaléfique et la part mauditeen Afrique Centrale.” In: La Revue du Mauss, Université de Paris Sorbonne 52: 197-210.
- 2017. “Sex and The Transnational City: Chinese Sex Workers in the West African City of Douala.” In: Urban Studies Journal 54, Nr. 4: 999-1015.
- 2015. “Naming the Evil: Homosexuality, Power and Domination in Contemporary Cameroon.” In: Mutibe, the Multi-Disciplinary and Biannual Review of the FLSH, University of Douala: 135-154.
- 2014. “‘Magic Body’ and ‘Cursed Sex’: Chinese Sex Workers as ‘Bitch-Witches’ in Cameroon.” In: African Affairs, Oxford Journals, 113, 452: 370-386.
- 2011. “Migration, Architecture, and the Transformation of the Landscape in the Bamileke Grassfields of West Cameroon.” In: African Diaspora / A Journal of Transnational Africa in a Global world 2, 1: 77-100.
- 2010. “Millennial Democracy and Spectral Reality in Postcolonial Africa.” In: African Journal of International Affairs 11 (2). DOI:10.4314/ajia.v11i2.57267
- 2009. “Shanghai Beauties and African Desires: Migration, Trade and Chinese Prostitution in Cameroon.” In: The European Journal of Development Research 21, 4: 606-21.
- 2008a. “Mokoagne moni: Sorcery and New forms of Wealth in Cameroon.” In: Past & Present 199 (supplement), 3: 271-289
- 2008b. (with Michaela Pelican and Peter Tatah): “Local Perspectives on Transnational Relations of Cameroonian Migrants.” In: African Sociological Review / Revue Africaine de Sociologie 12, 2: 117-29.
- 2005. “Carrefour de la Joie: Popular Deconstruction of the African Postcolonial Public Sphere.” In: Africa / International African Institute 75, 3: 265-94.
Book Chapters
- 2022a. “Looking East: BobarabaVogue and the Sinonization of Fashion and Beauty in Douala.” In Kerstin Pinther, Kristin Kastner and Basile Ndjio (eds.), Fashionscapes: Histories, Materialities and Aesthetic Practices in the Afropolis. Bloomsbury Publishing.
- 2022b. (with Kerstin Pinther and Kristin Kastner). “Introduction.” In Kerstin Pinther, Kristin Kastner and Basile Ndjio (eds.), Fashionscapes: Histories, Materialities and Aesthetic Practices in the Afropolis. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, 1-26.
- 2020. “Postcolonial Histories of Sexuality: The Political Invention of a Libidinal African Straight”. In Rachel Spronk & Thomas Hendriks (eds.), Readings in Sexualities from Africa, Bloomington: Indiana University Press/International African Institute, 251-268.
- 2019. “Homosexuality, Witchcraft and Occult in Africa.” In Howard Chiang, Anjali Arondekar, Marc Epprecht, Jennifer Evans, Ross G. Forman, Hanadi Al-Samman, Emily Skidmore, Zeb Tortorici (eds.), Global Encyclopedia of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) History, 1st edition, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons/The Gale Group.
- 2016a. “Nation and its Undesirable Subjects: Homosexuals and Alien ‘Others’ in Cameroon.” In Jan W. Duyvendak, Peter Geschiere & Evelien Tonkens (eds.), The Culturalization of Citizenship. Belonging and Polarization in a Globalizing World. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 115-36.
- 2016b. ‘Leadership, Nation, and Subjectivity in Cameroon: Ahidjo’s “Citizenization” and Biya’s “Autochthonization” in Comparative Perspectives.’ In Ebenezer Obadare and Wale Adebanwi (eds.), Governance and the Crisis of Rule in Contemporary Africa, London, Macmillan Palgrave, 119-146.
- 2014. “Overcoming Socio-Economic Marginalization: Young West African Hustlers and the Reinvention of the Global Capitalism.” In Ebenezer Obadare & Wendy Willems (eds.): Civic Agency in Africa: Arts of Resistance in the 21st Century. London: James Currey, 85-103.
- 2013. “Sexualities and Nationalist Ideologies in Postcolonial Africa.” In Saskia Wieringa and F. Sivori Horacio, (eds.), Sexualities and Modernity in the Global South. London and New York: Zed books, 120-143.
- 2012a. “Urban Tricksters and the City of Deception in Cameroon.” In: Stren, Richard and Dickson Eyoh (eds.): The Urban Experience in Africa: The Living City and its Local Policy Challenges. London: Routledge.
- 2012b. “Sagacity Spirit and Ghetto Ethic: Feymania and New African Entrepreneurship.” In:Abbink, Jon (ed.): Fractures and Reconnections: Civic Action and the Redefinition of African Political and Economic Spaces: Studies in Honour of Piet J.J. Konings. Münster: Lit Verlag, 123-44.
- 2011. “Naming the Evil: Democracy and Sorcery in Contemporary Cameroon and South Africa.” In: Parés, Luis Nicolau and Roger Sansi-Roca (eds.): Sorcery in the Black Atlantic. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 165-186.
- 2008a. “Evolués and Feymen: Old and New Figures of Modernity in Cameroon.“ in Geschiere, Peter, Peter Pels and Birgit Meyer (eds.): Reading in Modernity in Contemporary Africa. Oxford: James Currey.
- 2008b. “Modernist Notables and Postmodernist Elites in Cameroon.” In: McCaskie, Thomas C. and Keith Shear (eds.): Africans at Home and Abroad: Social Aspirations and Personal Lives. Gainesville: University of Florida Press.
- 2006a. “Douala: Inventing Life in an African Necropolis.” In: Martin, M. and G. Myers (eds.): Cities in Contemporary Africa. New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 103-18.
- 2006b. “Intimate Strangers: Neighbourhood, Autochthony and the Politics of Belonging.” In: Konings, P. and D. Foecken (eds.): Crisis and Creativity: Exploring the Wealth of the African Neighbourhood. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 66-87.
- 2006c. “Sorcery, Power and Wealth in Africa: From the 16th to the 21st Centuries.” In: Encyclopedia of Africa, 2nd edition, Charles Scribner’s Sons/The Gale Group, 201-204.
Working papers
- (forthcoming) (with Fabricio Rodriguez): “Transregional Perspective in the Global South.” African Transregional Research Centre, University Freiburg.
- 2013. “Orientalizing the African Urban Space: Chinese Property Development and the Architecture of Capital in the City of Douala.” Department of Human Geography, University College London.
- 2012. “Overcoming State’s Homophobic Policy: ICT and the Wireless Imagined Homosexual Communities in Cameroon and Nigeria.” International Institute of Social History (IISH).
- 2010. “Cameroonian Feymen and Nigerian ‘419’ Scammers: Two Examples of Africa’s ‘Reinvention’ of the Global Capitalism.” African Studies Centre, University of Leiden.
- 2009. “Asian Bodies and African Fantasies: Chinese Prostitution and the Transformation of the Local Economy of Sex and Pleasure in Cameroon.” International Development Centre, The Open University, UK.
- 2004. “Global Capitalism and Local Expectations.” African Studies Centre/University of Leiden.
Research reports
- 2013. "Evaluation qualitative rapide des perceptions, attitudes et pratiques relatives au VIH/SIDA chez les HSH." Rapport commandé par PEPFAR/CDC et le Comité National de Lutte contre le VIH/SIDA (CNLS). Yaounde, June 2013.
- 2011 (Pam Baatsen, Basile Ndjio, et al.). “Cordaid HIV Programme 8 Evaluation.” Final Evaluation Report, KIT, Amsterdam, March 2011.
- 2008. “Cameroon Factor: Prostitution and the Expectations of Modernity Among Cameroonian Urban Youths.” University of Amsterdam.
- 2006. “Structural Transformation of the Civil society in Cameroon: From Civil Society to la société civile.” Research Report, Centre of African Studies, University of Edinburgh (UK).
- 2005. “State, Civil Society and the Politics of the Belly in Cameroon.” Research Report, ASSR/University of Amsterdam.
Blog Papers
- 2014. “Sino-Pessimism on the Rise in Cameroon as Chinese Sex Labour Migrants Gain Popularity.” In: Blog LSE, The London School of Economic and Political Science,