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Democracy at 12: Parity in the Parliaments

News from Dec 20, 2019

At the 7th edition of Democracy at 12 Prof. Faas talks about “(Un)Equal Participation and Representation: Should There Be a Parity Law in Germany” to Christine Jacob, counsellor for social policy of the French Embassy, Cansel Kiziltepe, MP and co-founder of Berlin Network for Parity, as well as Prof. Dr. Silke Ruth Laskowksi, professor of public law, international law and European law at the University of Kassel.

State Secretary Heike Raab, commissioner of Rhineland at the Federal Government and at Europe for Digital Media referred in her greeting speech to the still valid different standards for men and women in the political day-to-day business. Cansel Kiziltepe agreed to it too from her own experience. She vigorously pointed out that the Brandenburg parity law would only be a very small step. In Brandenburg too, the constitutional court is at this point still putting the law to the test. She made it clear with an eye toward Berlin and the government that there should not be only a question about the legal feasibility. Rather it is a question of political new way of thinking, how the equal status of men and women should be in the future political reality.

Prof. Dr. Laskowski confirmed too and, adding the good examples from France indicated and urged that in Germany there should be lists, where men and women should candidate in turns. Still Laskowsi saw a not lesser problem with the direct mandates. Only people who have available the financial means for the campaign or the necessary networks in the private economy can prevail. From the point of view of the income inequity between men and women, the inequality in passive voting right becomes more solid at this point. In addition, a slight glance at France confirmed that the legal regulation solves only a small part of the problem.

Christine Jacob told that due to the parity law there are obviously more women in politics in France and that due to legal regulation the subject has a greater value in the political debate. Still the problem of inequality exists on other levels. Consequently, only 10% on the mayors in France are women. Responsible are the family unfriendly work conditions in the political business. A parity law, as all agreed, is necessary and still only a small step on the way to equal political participation of men and women.

Who wants to hear the discussion can do it here on RBB Kultur.

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