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We Are With Tagesspiegel Deputy Chief Editor on December 12, from 12 – 14 PM

News from Dec 20, 2019

Dr. Anna Sauerbrey will be with us on December 12, 2019 from 12 to 14 pm. She will present her guest paper “One Should Be Allowed to Say That! Do Editors Determine the Borders of the Freedom of Speech?” within the lecture “Introduction to Political Sociology”. Anna Sauerbrey is deputy chief editor at the Tagesspiegel and head of department Opinion/ Causa. She writes a monthly column about Germany for the New York Times Opinion. The lecture takes place in the Henry-Ford-Building.

Who: Dr. Anna Sauerbrey

What: “One Should Be Allowed to Say That! Do Editors Determine the Borders of the Freedom of Speech?”

When: 12/12/19, 12 – 14 PM

Where: Henry-Ford-Building

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