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Election study for the 2025 Bundestag election: survey launched

Neue Online-Befragung gestartet

Neue Online-Befragung gestartet

News from Mar 05, 2025

In the European elections in 2024, 16 and 17-year-olds were allowed to vote for the first time. In the German Federal election in February 2025, on the other hand, a voting age of 18 years applied again. This snap election also took place in a time of crisis: People in Germany experienced the break-up of a coalition, they are confronted with a changing party system and, above all, strengthened populist parties. All of this shaped the election campaign and the election. How did people in Germany, especially young people, deal with this situation?

The Center for Political Sociology of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Friedrich Ebert Foundation have launched a comprehensive study to find out: Citizens throughout Germany are invited to take part in a register-based online survey, the “Wahlstudie zur Bundestagwahl 2025”. Anyone who has received an invitation by post with a personal access code will find a list of questions at www.wahlstudie.de. It takes a maximum of 20 minutes to answer. The researchers hope that the results will provide a comprehensive insight into the political attitudes and political behavior of voters in Germany.

Further information can be found on our project page, where you will also find comprehensive information on data protection (German only).

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