Former Team Members
Dr. Ahmed Badawi
Projekt-Koordination und Senior Researcher für MERID – Middle East Research and Innovation Dialogue and EMNES - Euro-Mediterranean Network for Economic Studies
Janine Budich
Project Coordinator
Project Coordinator: DAAD funded Project: Dialogue and Asymmetries - Debating Development, Memory and Migration
Shanti Walde
Student Assistant until 2019
Dr. Alia Mossallam
Fellow der Alexander v Humboldt-Stiftung u. EUME Fellow 2017/18
Tamim al-Barghuti
EUME - Fellow 2008/09
Dr. Ghada Al-Madbouh
EUME - Fellow 2009/10
Nikolai Alber
Student Assistant
Malika Bouziane
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am SFB 700, Teilprojekt B6
Dr. Yazan Doughan
EUME - Fellow 2014/15
Dr. Amr Hamzawy
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*in
Esther Hochhäuser
Student Assistant
Dr. Judith Hoffmann
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*in
Christoph König
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedi
Visiting Professor of Comparative Political Theory, Center for Middle Eastern & North African Politics
Dr. Ihab Saloul
EUME Fellow 2011/2012
Dr. Ashgar Schirazi
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*in
Dr. Angelika Timm
Ehemalige Mitarbeiter*in
Dina Wahba
SFB 1171 Affective Societies
Prof. Dr. Anja Zorob
Assistant Professor