Dr. Burak Onaran

Arbeitsstelle des Maghreb, Mashreq und Golf
EUME Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation 2019-20
Ihnestraße 22
14195 Berlin
14195 Berlin
Burak Onaran is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology at Mimar Sinan Güzel Sanatlar University, Istanbul. He received his PhD in History from the EHESS in Paris. His research interests cover the social, political and culinary history of the Ottoman Empire and Republican Turkey. He published two books: Détrôner le Sultan [Dethroning the Sultan] (Paris-Leuven: Peeters, 2013) and MutfakTarih [History–in the–Kitchen] (Istanbul: İletişim, 2015). His current research project focuses on the relationship between politics, history, and the experience of time during the period surrounding the 1960 coup d’état in Turkey. During the years 2019-2020, he is a EUME Fellow of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.