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About the Institute

Committees & Responsibilities

Council of the Institute (Institutsrat)

Professors: Kathrin Zippel, Sérgio Costa, Christian von Scheve, Stefan Liebig (Chair)

Representative of research associates: NN

Students' representative: Anna Krüger

Representative of non-scientific staff: Antonia Hausen

Examination Board (Prüfungsausschuss)

Professors: Sérgio Costa, Heike Solga, Christian von ScheveSwen Hutter (Chair)

Representative of research associates: Tamara Böhm

Students' representative: Anna Krüger

Representative of non-scientific staff: Antonia Hausen

PhD Board (Promotionsausschuss)

Professors: Bruno Castanho Silva, Katharina Bluhm, Dieter Ohr (Chair)

Representative of research associates: NN

Managing Director: Stefan Liebig, Christian von Scheve (vice director)

Admission and recognition of courses: Dieter Ohr

Program coordinator: Christian von Scheve


In an article Heiner Ganßmann presents a historical portrayal of the institute. As a student, research associate and later professor he was part of the institutes’ development from 1963-2009 and correspondingly participated in its creation.

Heiner Ganßmann (2013): Ein umgedrehtes U – Soziologie an der Freien Universität Berlin, in: Gesellschaftswissenschaften an der Freien Universität Berlin. V&R Unipress, S. 265-278 (only in German).

Helmut Asche (2018): Die Entwicklungssoziologie an der FU Berlin. Eine Spurensuche unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Schwellenländerforschung (only in German).

Postdoctoral lecture qualifications (Habilitationen)

The success of university institutes can manifest in different dimensions. For sure, one relevant dimension is if and to what extent an institute is able to educate its young academics and to position them on the labour market successfully. The Institute of Sociology does not have empirical information about all its graduates and their paths of career. But we know which persons made their postdoctoral lecture qualification ("Habilitation") at the institute and who became professors later.

This table lists those persons who made their postdoctoral lecture qualification in the field of sociology at Freie Universität Berlin, partly in cooperation with other institutes in Berlin (Max Planck Institute, Social Science Research Center, etc.) and who were able to get a professorship. Especially regarding the former years this list is surely not complete. Since the introduction of junior professorships appointments got possible without “Habilitation”. For the last five years the list also includes persons who were research associates at the institute and who were appointed to a junior professorship.

One can see: Until now the Institute of Sociology was very successful in educating and positioning young academics.