News & Events
Job Opening: Stud. Beschäftigte*r (60 MoStd. befristet bis 30.09.2026 )
Bewerbungsschluss: 03.03.2025
Job Opening: Stud. Beschäftigte*r (41 MoStd. befristet auf 2 Jahre)
Bewerbungsende: 24.02.2025
Neue Publikation: “Empathy During Crises: Investigating Attitudes, Tolerance, and Ingroup–Outgroup Dynamics in Response to Refugee Movements”
Ronja Demel, Lena Masch, David Schieferdecker, Hanna Schwander, Swen Hutter, Jule Specht
Neue Publikation: “Game Changers: National Referendums and the Politicization of Europe”
Swen Hutter
Job Opening: Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (m/w/d) (Postdoc) Vollzeitbeschäftigung befristet auf 3 Jahre
Bewerbungsende: 05.01.2025
Public Webinar: Movement Parties from the Left and their Political Consequences in Latin America and Southern Europe
14 October 2024 | 5:30 pm | Hybrid Event: WZB, room A 310 and via Zoom | prior registration required
Workshop: Movement Parties and Backlash Politics: A Relational Approach to Study Movement Parties' Impact on Contemporary Democracies
14-15 October 2024 | 09:00 am | WZB, room A 310 | organized by Swen Hutter & Sofia Donoso
Tagung: Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in Krisenzeiten: Handlungsfelder, Determinanten, Konsequenzen
Tagung zum 75. Jubiläum der Zeitschrift Soziale Welt 21. und 22. November 2024, Beginn: 13:00 Uhr WZB, Raum A310
Neue Publikation: Expanding protest event analysis through videos
Donatella della Porta, Sophia Hunger, Swen Hutter
Job Opening: Wiss. Mitarbeiter*in (Praedoc) 75% befristet bis zu 5 Jahre
Bewerbungsende: 23.09.2024
Lecture: Are the Politically Active Better Represented?
Jennifer Oser (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel) 28 June 2024, 4 pm | hybrid event | prior registration required Lecture series Civil Society and Political Conflict
Neue Publikation: "Shift in Public Opinion Formations on Defense, Energy, and Migration: The Case of Russia’s War Against Ukraine"
Lena Masch, Ronja Demel, David Schieferdecker, Hanna Schwander, Swen Hutter, Jule Specht
Runder Tisch: Expanding Protest Event Analysis through Videos
7. Dezember 2023, 18:00 Uhr | Hybrid-Veranstaltung: WZB, Raum A 300 und per Zoom | vorherige Anmeldung erforderlich
Neue Publikation: “Do They Get Close? Party Shifts and Changes in Parliamentary Congruence on Multiple Issue Dimensions in the Wake of the Crises"
Mirjam Dageförde
Neue Publikation: “The Rhetoric of Solidarity: Nature and Measurement of Social Cohesion in the Self-representation of Civil Society Organizations"
Rico Neumann, Barbara Pfetsch, Swen Hutter, Simon Koschut, David Schieferdecker & Jule Specht
Lecture: Has Globalization Reduced Worldwide Terrorist Attacks?
Gary LaFree (University of Maryland, USA) 13 September 2023, 4 pm | WZB, Reichpietschufer 50, 10785 Berlin, Raum A 300 | prior registration required Lecture series Civil Society and Political Conflict