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Neue Publikation: Out-of-school learning as an effective tool of civic edudation in elementary school?

News vom 12.09.2022

Simone Abendschön, B. Philipp Kleer und Thorsten Faas haben einen neuen Beitrag in „Citizenship, Social and Economics Education" veröffentlicht. Unter dem Titel: „Out-of-school learning as an effective tool of civic education in elementary school? Evidence from Germany" untersuchen sie die Effekte politischer Bildungsarbeit für Grundschüler.

Abstract: Strengthening political knowledge and democratic understanding of children is an essential aim of citizenship education. In Germany, most curricula of civic education target high school students, neglecting younger children in elementary school. The present study investigates the impact of an out-of-school program for elementary school students at a state parliament on their political knowledge and political interest. The program introduces the students to parliamentary institutions, processes, and decision-making. Among other didactical elements, the students participate in a simulation of a plenary session. The article examines the short-term and long-term effects of program attendance with a quasi-experimental design. The findings show that the out-ofschool program positively affects children’s political knowledge and interest, thereby confirming that civic education can already be effective at the elementary school level. By implementing such interactive learning programs, schools and teachers could positively contribute to young citizens’ political socialization.

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