Viele Beiträge des IfPuK auf der ECREA-Jahrestagung 2024 in Ljubljana
News vom 02.10.2024
Mehrere Kolleginnen und Kollegen unseres Instituts waren bei der diesjährigen Jahrestagung der European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA), die vom 24. bis 27. September stattfand, mit Forschungsbeiträgen vertreten. Die Tagung mit dem Themenschwerpunkt Communication & social (dis)order fand in Ljubljana (Slowenien) statt. Unsere Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter präsentierten auf der Tagung folgende Vorträge:
- Bachl, Marko; Ramos, Dalreen; Kao, Jo-Ju: What tournament press conferences reveal about gendered media bias in professional tennis
- Buehling, Kilian; Heft, Annett; Zhang, Xixuan: New platform, new me? Cross-platform variation and convergence of styles and functions of conspiracy-related communication
- Burger, Johanna; Künzler, Matthias: Innovation as a threat to democracy? Effects of local communication’s transformation on democracies. Panel introduction.
- Gong, Baoning; Heft, Annett: Audiences of alternative news sites in Germany – Patterns of overlap and fragmentation in comparative perspective
- Göths, Steffen; Primig, Florian: "Your 'order' is built on sand!" On the benefits of disorder and questioning the Status quo
- Heft, Annett; Buehling, Kilian; Zhang, Xixuan: The spreading of hate. Diffusion dynamics of conspiracy theories across platforms
- Hoffmann, Lukas Benedikt; Strippel, Christian: Social minorities or public elites: Who people perceive as target groups of online hate speech and how this affects reporting and counter-speech
- Löblich, Maria; Pollack, Elisa: “…today, the world is not automatically the better one.” 30 years of Western democracy and East German readings of the historical TV serial Charité
- Luebke, Simon; Steffan, Dennis: The antecedents and electoral consequences of voters’ preference for authentic politicians
- Malik, M.S., Sehl, A., Kretzschmar, S., Neuberger, C.: Social media and mass protests: Analyzing Twitter use during uprisings in Lebanon
- Meyer, Malte: Local journalism in Germany: Emerging business models and overarching networks
- Pollack, Elisa; Löblich, Maria: The structuring effects of the Stasi discourse – A history of the Berliner Zeitung since 1989
- Primig, Florian; Lück-Benz, Julia: Online monitoring activism: Civic surveillance practices as a reaction to the rise of the far-right in the COVID-19 pandemic
- Schulze, Heidi; Buehling, Kilian; Zehring, Maximilian: Accessing online communication (dis)order: The COVID-19 protest Telegram dataset 2020–2022
- Stoltenberg, Daniela; Linnert, Ellen; Pfetsch, Barbara: A world of climate change: Constructing the issue space of climate change on Twitter during COP26 and COP27
- Strippel, Christian; Gong, Baoning; Heft, Annett; Stolze, Martha; Kuznetsova, Elizaveta; Ohme, Jakob; Vziatysheva, Victoria; Gaisbauer, Felix: The diversity of alternative media users: Socio-demographics, political attitudes, and social media use
- Szabó, Hanna D.: From activist/influencers to activist-influencers: LGBTQ+ TikTok creators' navigating online visibility
- Weiß, Ana-Nzinga: Creating our Seat at the Table' - Analyzing the epistemic formation of counterpublics in the Instagram series Sitzplatzreservierung
- Weiß, Ana-Nzinga; Primig, Florian; Szabó, Hanna D.: Eyo, mixed girl check: Negotiations of (non-)normativity through embodied performance in the #mixedgirlcheck trend on TikTok