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Prof. Dr. Céline Teney

celine neu

Institute of Sociology



Garystr. 55
Room 320
14195 Berlin
Antonia Hausen

Office hours

If you would like to make an appointment during my office hours, please contact me by email.

MA thesis supervision

Please send me a thesis proposal at least 6 weeks prior to the registration date so that I can determine if I am the right fit thematically. The proposal (max. one page) should summarize your ideas as well as broadly outline topic and relevance, the specific research question you wish to address and the intended methodological approach.

Request for a letter of recommendation

I only write recommendation letters for students who have personally passed at least one exam with me with an above average grade. I require a minimum of four weeks between the receipt of all details and the deadline. I need as PDF documents: a current overview of all examination performances at FU, a detailed curriculum vitae including an overview of all relevant activities. In addition, I need a detailed overview of the formal requirements for the recommendation letter. Furthermore, I need the name and e-mail address of the person who administers the receipt of applications.


2021-present  Professorship „Macrosociology“ at FU Berlin

Professorship „Fundamentals of Social Sciences“ at Georg-August Universität Göttingen                     

2014-2018 Head of the Junior Research Group "Winners of Globalization? A Study on the Emergence of a Transnational Elite in Europe“ , University of Bremen
2010-2014 Senior researcher at the Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB)
2006-2010  Junior researcher at the Institute of Sociology of Université Libre de Bruxelles


2009              PhD thesis in Social and Political Science, Université Libre de Bruxelles

Advanced Master in Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Katholieke Universiteit Brussel                   

2004 Magister Artium in Sociology and Ethnology, Albert Ludwigs University Freiburg


My main research interests lie in the fields of political sociology, the sociology of migration and the sociology of Europe. In my research, I draw on a variety of quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches.

In political sociology, I am currently investigating the (lack of) opinion polarisation in Europe in a longitudinal perspective. Moreover, I am interested in understanding why there is a mismatch between public perception of increasing opinion polarisation and consistent empirical findings on the lack of such an opinion polarisation in Western Europe.

In the sociology of migration, I am currently collecting longitudinal qualitative panel data of displaced Ukrainians who fled from Ukraine after 24th of February 2022 to Berlin, Warsaw and Budapest. With this project, I aim to better understand the strategies and experiences of displaced Ukrainians in their countries of refuge over time.

In the sociology of Europe, I have been investigating attitudes towards Europe in their multidimensionality. I am interested in the complementary role of objective socio-demographic characteristics and subjective perception of these characteristics in supporting the European Union.

Main fields

Political sociology
Sociology of migration
Sociology of Europe

Current academic services

Dean of studies, department of Political and Social Sciences, FU Berlin
Associate editor of Zeitschrift für Soziologie
Associate editor of European Sociological Review


Preprints Articles (peer reviewed) Reports Book Chapters


Dochow-Sondershaus, S., Teney, C., & Borbáth, E. (2024): “Cultural Backlash? Trends in Opinion Polarisation between Educational Groups in Five European Countries.” SocArXiv. Feb. 01.

Peer Reviewed Articles

Teney C., Pietrantuono G., Wolfram T. (2024): “What polarizes citizens? An explorative analysis of 817 attitudinal items from a non-random online panel in Germany”. PLoS ONE 19(5): e0302446. open access
» Press release (in German)

Dochow-Sondershaus, S. & Teney, C. (2024): “Opinion polarization of immigration and EU attitudes between social classes – the limiting role of working class dissensus”, European Societies. open access
» Press release (in German)

Fernández, J.; Teney, C. & Díez Medrano, J. (2023): „Mechanisms of the Effect of Individual Education on Pro-European Dispositions”, Journal of Common Market Studies. open access.

Fernández, J. & Teney, C. (2023): “Subjective financial insecurity and support for European unification”, European Societies. open access.

Teney, C. & Rupieper, L. K. (2023): “A New Social Conflict on Globalisation-related Issues in Germany? A Longitudinal Perspective”, Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie. open access.

        2021 SocArXiv Working Paper: 10.31235/osf.io/4xqke.

Möhring, K., & Teney, C. (2023): “Public support for affirmative action policies favouring women and migrants in recruitment processes: An international survey experiment”. Acta Sociologica, 0 (0). open access.

Teney, C., Dochow-Sondershaus, S., & Lovette, F. (2023): Gendered Effect of Parenthood on Voting Behaviour in the 2021 German Federal Elections. German Politicsopen access.

       Coverage: Tagesspiegel

Teney, C.; Pietrantuono, G. & Möhring, K. (2022): “Who supports whom? Citizens’ support for affirmative action policies in recruitment processes towards four underrepresented groups”, Journal of European Public Policy. open access

Teney, C.; Deininger, J. & Zurheide, J. (2022): “Integrationists, Critical Europeanists and Pessimist Europeanists: Attitudinal Mindsets on the EU Among German Students,” Culture, Practice & Europeanization, 7, 100-121. open access

Windzio, M.; Teney, C. & Lenkewitz, S. (2021): “A network analysis of intra-EU migration flows: How regulatory policies, economic inequalities and the network-topology shape the intra-EU migration space”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47 (5): 951-969. open access

Möhring, K. & Teney, C. (2020): “Equality prescribed? Contextual determinants of citizens´ support for gender boardroom quotas across Europe”, Comparative European Politics, 18, 560-589 Comparative European Politics. open access

Becker, R. & Teney, C. (2020): “Understanding high-skilled intra-European migration patterns: The case of European physicians in Germany”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46 (9): 1737-1755. open access

Möhring, K., Teney, C. & Buss, C. (2019): Who supports gender quotas for company leadership? An empirical analysis of determinants of support and rejection among German citizens. Soziale Welt, 70 (2): 121-143. open access

Teney, C. (2019): “Immigration of highly skilled European professionals to Germany: Intra-EU brain circulation or brain gain?”, Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. open access

Schmitt, C. & Teney, C. (2019): “Access to general social protection for immigrants in advanced democracies”, Journal of European Social Policy, 29(1): 44-55. open access

Teney, C. (2016): “Does the EU economic crisis undermine subjective Europeanisation? Assessing the dynamics of citizens´ EU framings between 2004 and 2013”, European Sociological Review, 32 (5): 619-633. open access

Teney, C., Hanquinet, L. & Bürkin, K. (2016): “Feeling European: An exploration of ethnic disparities among immigrants”, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 42 (13): 2182-2204. open access

Schaeffer, M., Höhne, J. & Teney, C. (2016): “Income advantages of poorly-qualified immigrant minorities. Why school drop-outs of Turkish origin earn more in Germany”, European Sociological Review, 32 (1): 93-107. open access

Helbling, M. & Teney, C. (2015): “The cosmopolitan elite in Germany. Transnationalism and postmaterialism”, Global Networks, 15(4), 446-468.

Carol, S. & Teney, C. (2015): “Intergroup dating preferences among Brussels youth. The intersection of gender and ethnicity and its determinants”, European Societies, 17(2), 132-157. open access

Teney, C., Lacewell, O. & de Wilde, P. (2014): “Polarization of winners and losers of globalization in Europe: Attitudes and ideologies”, European Political Science Review, 6(4), 575-595. open access

Teney, C. & Helbling, M. (2014): “How denationalization divides the elites and citizens”, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 43(4), 258-271. open access

Teney, C., Devleeshouwer, P. & Hanquinet, L. (2013): “Educational aspirations among ethnic minority youth in Brussels. Does the perception of ethnic discrimination in the labour market matter? A mixed-method approach”, Ethnicities, 13 (5), 584-606. open access

Teney, C. & Hanquinet, L. (2012): “High political participation, high social capital? A relational analysis of youth social capital and political participation”, Social Science Research, 41 (5), 1213-1226. open access

Teney, C. (2012): “Space matters. The group threat hypothesis revisited with geographically
weighted regression. The case of the NPD 2009 electoral success”, Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 41(3), 207-226. open access

Teney, C. (2011): “Endorsement of assimilationism among ethnic minority and majority youth in a multination-multiethnic context: The case of Brussels”, European Sociological Review, 27(2), 212-229. open access

Teney, C. & Subramanian, S.V (2010): “Attitudes toward homosexuals among youth in multiethnic Brussels”, Cross-Cultural Research, 44 (2), 151-173. open access

Teney, C., Jacobs, D., Rea, A. & Delwit, P. (2010): “Voting patterns among ethnic minorities in Brussels (Belgium) during the 2006 local elections”, Acta Politica, 45 (3), 273-297. open access

Rea, A., Jacobs, D., Teney, C. & Delwit, P. (2010): “Les comportements électoraux des minorités ethniques à Bruxelles” [Voting behaviour of ethnic minorities in Brussels], Revue Française de Science Politique, 60 (4), 691-717. open access

Teney, C. & Jacobs, D. (2009): “Les rhétoriciens bruxellois issus de l’immigration et leur premier vote. Une analyse des intentions de vote aux élections fédérales de 2007” [Students with an immigrant background in Brussels and their first vote. An analysis of voting intentions for the 2007 federal elections], Brussels Studies, 24. open access

Teney, C. & Jacobs, D. (2007): "Le droit de vote des étrangers en Belgique: le cas de Bruxelles" [The voting rights of foreigners in Belgium: The case of Brussels], Migrations Société, 19 (114), 151-168. open access


Teney, C., Strijbis, O., Carol, S. & Tepe, S. (2018): “Elite survey of the Bridging Project The Political Sociology of Cosmopolitanism and Communitarianism. Technical Report”, WZB Discussion Paper SP VI 2018-105, 73p.

Teney, C., Becker, R. & Bürkin, K. & Siemsen, P. (2017): “Mixed-methods study of intra-EU highly skilled immigrants in Germany. Technical report”, ZenTra Working Papers in Transnational Studies, 74/2017.

Teney, C., Becker, R., Bürkin, K. & Spengler M. (2017): “Migration and integration experiences of non-German European physicians in Germany”, ZenTra Working Papers in Transnational Studies, 67/2017.

Teney, C., Becker, R., Bürkin, K. & Spengler M. (2017): “Migrations- und Integrationserfahrungen europäischer Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Deutschland. Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Umfrage”, Research Report, SOCIUM, University of Bremen: Bremen.

Teney, C., Bürkin, K. & Becker, R., Möser, S., & Lenkewitz, S., (2017): “Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Deutschland. Erste Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Umfrage zu beruflichen Erfahrungen, Zufriedenheit und Einstellungen”, Research Report, SOCIUM, University of Bremen: Bremen.

Allmendinger, J., Bunselmeyer, E., Ecker-Ehrhardt, M., Helbling, M., Holland-Cunz, M., Teney, C. & Weßels, B. (2013): „Entscheidungsträger in Deutschland: Werte und Einstellungen“, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung, 1-36.

Adam, I., Rea, A., Coene, G., Crosby, A., Hamdoui, S., Teney, C, Giladi, M. (2010): “Culturele diversiteit op de werkvloer. Praktijken van redelijke aanpassing. La diversité culturelle au travail. Pratiques d´aménagements raisonnables” [Cultural diversity on the labour market. Practise of reasonable accommodation], Brussels: Centre of Equal Opportunity and Fight against Racism.

Jacobs, D., Rea, A., Teney, C., Callier, L. & Lothaire, S. (2009): "L'ascenseur social reste en panne. Les performances des élèves issus de l'immigration en Communauté française et en Communauté flamande" [The social lift remains broken. Educational achievements of pupils of foreign origin in the French-speaking and Dutch-speaking communities in Belgium], Brussels: Fondation Roi Baudouin, ISBN : 978-2-87212-594-4. open access

Jacobs, D., Rea, A., Teney, C., Callier, L. & Lothaire, S. (2009) : "De sociale lift blijft steken. De prestaties van allochtone leerlingen in de Vlaamse Gemeenschap en de Franse Gemeenschap" [The social lift remains broken. Educational achievements of pupils of foreign origin in the French-speaking and Dutch-speaking communities in Belgium], Brussels: Koning Boudewijnstichting, ISBN: 978-90-5130-662-0. open access

Book Chapters

Strijbis, O., Teney, C. & Helbling, M. (2019): “Why are elites more cosmopolitan than masses?”, In: The struggle over borders. Cosmopolitanism and communitarianism”, de Wilde, P., Koopmans, R., Merkel, W., Strijbis, O. & Zürn, M. (Eds), Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 37-64. open access

Teney, C. & Deutschmann, E. (2018): “Transnational social practices: A quantitative perspective”, In: Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences, Scott, R. & Buchmann, M. (Eds), Hoboken: John Wiley & Son. open access

De Wilde, P., Teney, C. & Lacewell O.P. (2018): “Euroscepticism: Stand-alone phenomenon or embedded within a broader cleavage?”, In: The Routledge handbook of Euroscepticism, Leruth, B., Startin, N. & Usherwood, S. (Eds), Oxon: Routledge, 48-60. open access

Teney, C. & Helbling, M. (2017): “Solidarity between the elites and the masses in Germany”, In: The strains of commitment: The political sources of solidarity in diverse societies, Banting, K. & Kymlicka, W. (Eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press, 127-151. open access

Teney, C. (2015): “Introduction”, In: Brain drain – brain gain: European labour market in times of crisis, Schellinger, A. (Ed), Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation: Berlin, ISBN 978-3-95861-311-9, pp. 2-11. open access

Teney, C. (2015): “Conclusion”, In: Brain drain – brain gain: European labour market in times of crisis, Schellinger, A. (Ed), Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation: Berlin, ISBN 978-3-95861-311-9, pp. 85-92. open access

Teney, C. & Siemsen, P. (2015): “Germany: A Major Intra-EU Brain Gain Country?”, In: Brain drain – brain gain: European labour market in times of crisis, Schellinger, A. (Ed), Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation: Berlin, ISBN 978-3-95861-311-9, pp. 12-21. open access

Jacobs, D., Teney, C., Rea, A. & Delwit, P. (2015): “Is it really ethnic voting? Ethnic minorities in local elections in Brussels”, In: Just ordinary citizens?: Toward a comparative portrait of the political immigrant, Bilodeau, A. (Ed), Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 46-62.

Teney, C. & Hanquinet, L. (2015): “Lieux et identités: La complexité des sentiments d´appartenance des jeunes Bruxellois” [Places and identities: The complexity of senses of belonging among Brussels youth], In: Bruxelles, ville mosaique. Entre espaces, diversités et politiques, Devleeshouwer P., Sacco, M. & Torrekens, C. (Eds), Presses Universitaires de Bruxelles, 73-82.

Jacobs, D. & Teney, C. (2010): “De allochtone stem te Brussel” [Vote of the immigrant population in Brussels], In: Gezien, gehoord, vertegenwoordigd?, Celis, K., Wauters, B., Meier, P. (Eds), Academia Press, Gent, 89-112, ISBN: 9789038215372. open access