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Lena Partzsch receives 2023 Teaching Award in Political Science

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The 2023 Teaching Award in Political Science by the German Political Science Association (DVPW) and the Schader Foundation, endowed with 1,000 euros, goes to Prof. Dr. Lena Partzsch for her teaching project "Stockholm+50: Five Decades of Global Sustainability Governance" at Freie Universität Berlin.

News from Aug 16, 2023

This was announced by the jury - consisting of Dr. Dannica Fleuß (Dublin City University), Dr. Marilena Geugjes (Hessian School of Public Management and Security/Schader Foundation), Prof. Dr. Dirk Jörke (Darmstadt University of Technology), and Raphael Oidtmann (University of Mannheim) - on August 1 in Darmstadt.

The teaching project "Stockholm+50: Five Decades of Global Sustainability Governance".

The award-winning course was held in the summer semester of 2022 at the Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science at Freie Universität Berlin. It consisted of two parts, a hybrid lecture series and an accompanying master's seminar, and dealt with political science approaches to global environmental governance. The course was oriented towards the agenda of the UN Summit "Stockholm+50: A Healthy Planet for the Prosperity of All - Our Responsibility, Our Opportunity" in June 2022. In the lecture, renowned international scholars presented their contributions to the textbook "The Environment in Global Sustainability Governance. Perceptions, Actors, Innovations", which will be published in fall 2023. The students introduced the respective lecturer and moderated the event. Prior to the presentations, the individual contributions were discussed in the seminar; furthermore, the students conducted interviews with the presenters, which will also be printed in the textbook.

The jury was particularly impressed by the involvement of the students in the creation of the textbook. Through the combination of lecture, accompanying master's seminar, the use of various didactic methods and, last but not least, the introduction of students to scientific work, this teaching project shows in an exemplary manner what is possible with the appropriate commitment in political science teaching.

The award ceremony will take place on September 26, 2023, following a panel discussion on "How much politics and politicization can teaching take?" at the annual meeting of the DVPW working group "University Teaching" at the Schader Foundation. Registration for participation is possible through the Schader Foundation. The panel discussion will be hybrid.

About the Political Science Teaching Award:

The DVPW and the Schader Foundation created the Political Science Teaching Award in 2020 to recognize outstanding achievements in political science teaching. The prize is awarded annually since 2021 to make the importance of political science teaching at universities visible and to strengthen the quality of teaching in German political science. The submitted teaching projects will be published in September on the DVPW blog in the series "Outstanding Teaching in German Political Science" (in German).

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