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ARD Fact-Finder on climate populism with Albert Denk

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The last two weeks of July in Germany were cold and wet. Some use this fact to downplay climate change. But experts believe this is wrong.

News from Aug 16, 2023

In this issue, the ARD Tagesschau's Fact-Finder examines the online medium "NIUS" and the climate populist positions it spreads. Albert Denk from the FU Environmental and Climate Policy Unit contributes to this analysis from a social science perspective. In particular, the statements of the author and SPD politician Fritz Vahrenholt, who previously also worked for various energy companies such as Shell and RWE, are deconstructed. Denk identifies the populist narrative of a population deceived by supposed elites.

Link: https://www.tagesschau.de/faktenfinder/nius-klima-desinformation-100.html

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