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Obstacles to civil society self-organization in the site selection process (in German)

Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen

Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen

News from Mar 20, 2024

The article examines which processes of civil society self-organization can be identified in the context of the participation format “Repository Search Forum” and how these can be evaluated. To answer this question, data was collected by means of participant observation at the 2nd Repository Search Forum in November 2023. According to the three authors of the article, the case analysis shows that the participation process at this event can only partially be described as self-organized due to state influence. State actors, above all the Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management, did support civil society self-organization. However, this shows that certain support measures can also lead to dependencies and control. The participation process was also characterized by a high degree of formalization and exclusive self-organization within civil society, which made participation difficult for those who had not previously been involved in the process.

Brunnengräber, A.; Denk, A.; Themann, D. (2024): Hemmnisse zivilgesellschaftlicher Selbstorganisation im Standortauswahlverfahren – Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur Öffentlichkeitsbeteiligung beim Forum Endlagersuche. In: Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen Plus. 37 (1)

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