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Keynote on climate crisis by Prof. Partzsch at Polish-German Science Meeting

Copyright: DFG/Bildschön, Peter Lorenz

Copyright: DFG/Bildschön, Peter Lorenz

At the Third Polish-German Science Meeting Prof. Partzsch provided an input on the climate crisis.

News from Nov 02, 2022

The German-Polish exchange of the leading research institutions in Berlin on 27 October 2022 focused on the triple crisis of climate change, Covid-19 and the Ukraine war. In addition to Prof. Lena Partzsch, the German Research Foundation (DFG) invited Prof. Stephan Ludwig, Institute of Molecular Virology, University of Munster, and Prof. Dr. Olga Garaschuk, University of Tübingen and President German-Ukrainian Academic Society, to contribute. Under the moderation of DFG President Prof. Dr. Katja Becker, the consequences of the crises for science were discussed. Special guest was Dr. Rita Süssmuth as Chair of the Board of Trustees, German-Polish Society Federal Association (DPGB).

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