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Prof. Partzsch gives keynote at online conference "Climate Protection is Peacekeeping"

Klimaschutz ist Friedenssicherung 2022

Klimaschutz ist Friedenssicherung 2022

What do climate change and energy have to do with conflicts and peacekeeping? The war in Ukraine shows connections more topically than ever. But what does this mean concretely for our #climateprotection decisions on the ground?

News from Nov 03, 2022

The online conference "Climate protection is peacekeeping" (in German) will discuss the current challenges of municipalities in the key area of #energy, including the aspect of #climatejustice.

In addition to the presentation and discussion of Rhineland-Palatinate and international best practice examples, workshops offer the opportunity to develop #action options for your own municipality.

Learn more and discuss with us at the online conference: "Climate protection is peacekeeping: #energy: by whom, for whom and how justly?", on: 04.11.2022 from 9.00 to 14.00.

The conference is organized by Landeszentrale für Umweltaufklärung (LZU), the Development Policy Network of Rhineland-Palatinate (ELAN), the Peace Academy Rhineland-Palatinate - University Koblenz Landau, the Energy Agency Rhineland-Palatinate, the Association of Municipalities and Towns, County Association and Association of Cities Rhineland-Palatinate.

Registration and further info at: https://umdenken.rlp.de/de/veranstaltungen/klimaschutz-ist-friedenssicherung/


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