Dipl. Pol. Anja Hoffmann

Former Staff Member
Focus: Politics in North-Africa (especially Morocco), Water-Governance, Politics of Development
Curriculum Vitae
- 3/2010-4/2014: Research Associate at the Freie Universität Berlin, responsible for the project “Challenges for Local Governance Institutions? Decentralisation in Morocco and Jordan” (Director Prof. Dr. Cilja Harders), based at the Research Centre SFB700
- 2/2010: Diploma Degree in Political Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin/Otto-Suhr-Institute, Thesis: „Water Governance – a study about effects of ‚new’ modes of governance in the Moroccan Water Management and its conditions of success“
- 1/2009- 2/2010 : Consultancy for and internship at GTZ-Project «Appui à la Gestion Intégrée des Ressources en Eau » in Morocco
- 8-12/2008: Studies in International Relations and Diplomacy at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane/Morocco
- 7-9/2007: Internship at UNESCO-Chair „Water, Women and Decision Power“ in Rabat/Marokko
- 10/2006-07/2007: Studies in International Relations an Political Sciences at University of Geneva/Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies
- 2004-2009: Studies in Political Sciences, Freie Universität Berlin/Otto-Suhr-Institute
- 2003-2004: Voluntary Service in Honduras
- Bouziane, Malika; Harders, Cilja; Hoffmann, Anja (Eds.) 2013: Local Politics and Contemporary Transformation in the Arab World - Governance Beyond the Center. Series: Governance and Limited Statehood. Palgrave Macmillan (see http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=675620).
- Hoffmann, Anja (2013): Morocco between Decentralization and Re-Centralization: Close Encounters from the 'useless' Morocco', in: Bouziane, Malika/Harders, Cilja/Hoffmann, Anja (Eds.): Local Politics and Contemporary Transformations in the Arab World - Governance Beyond the Center, Series: Governance and Limited Statehood, Palgrave Macmillan, 158-177.
- Bouziane, Malika/Harders, Cilja/Hoffmann, Anja (2013): Analyzing Politics Beyond the Center in an Age of Transformation, in: Bouziane, Malika/Harders, Cilja/Hoffmann, Anja (Eds.): Local Politics and Contemporary Transformations in the Arab World - Governance Beyond the Center, Series: Governance and Limited Statehood, Palgrave Macmillan, 1-21.
- Hoffmann, Anja (2013): Die Grenzen des Sagbaren verschieben sich: Über die Wirkung der Umbrüche in Nordafrika und Westasien auf das marokkanische Königreich, in: Filter, Dagmar/Reich, Jana/Fuchs, Eva (Eds.): Arabischer Frühling? Alte und neue Geschlechterpolitiken in einer Region im Umbruch, Centaurus, 205-226.
- Hoffmann, Anja (2013): Decentralization and Re-Centralization in Morocco: a view from the Middle Atlas, in: CERAM Working Paper 2013/001, online: http://www.ceram-ege.com/blog/?page_id=1198.
- Hoffman, Anja; König, Christoph (2013): Scratching the Democratic Façade: Framing Strategies of the 20 February Movement, in: Mediterranean Politics, 18:1; 1-22, online: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13629395.2012.761474.
- Hoffmann, Anja (2013) Decentralization and Re-Centralization in Morocco : a view from the Middle Atlas, CERAM Workingpaper, online: http://www.ceram-ege.com/blog/.
- Hoffmann, Anja/Lieb, Johann (2012): No different than the others, in: Your Middle East, online: http://www.yourmiddleeast.com.
- Bouziane, Malika/Hoffmann, Anja (2011): German cooperation and work of the GIZ in the Middle East and North Africa, in: Financing Agricultural and Rural Development in the Mediterranean, CIHEAM Watch Letter, 17, online: www.ciheam.org.
- Hoffmann, Anja (2011): Wem gehört der marokkanische Wandel? Eine Analyse des umkämpften politischen Felds in Marokko, in: Arbeitsstelle Politik des Vorderen Orients (Ed.): Protests, Revolutions and Transformations - the Arab World in a Period of Upheaval, Working Paper, 1; 92-109.
- Hoffmann, Anja (2011): „Gegen den Absolutismus“. Jugendprotest. Die Bundesregierung äußert sich nicht zur anhaltenden Repression der marokkanischen Bevölkerung, in: TAZ vom 03.03.2011; 16.
Conference Presentations
11/2012 Conference: "Middle East Studies Association (MESA) 2012" in Denver. Organizer of the Panel: "Rethinking Elections in Authoritarian States: Insights from the Periphery" together with Malika Bouziane. Title of the Presentation: "Moroccan Elections and the Referendum on the New Constitution: Close Encounters from the Middle Atlas".
- 07/2012 Conference: "Arabischer Frühling? Alte und neue Geschlechterpolitiken in einer Region im Umbruch“ (The Arabic Spring? Old and New Gender Policy in a Changing Region). Title of the Presentation: "Die Grenzen des Sagbaren verschieben sich. Die Wirkung der 'Bewegung 20. Februar' auf das marokkanische Königreich (The Limits of what is 'sayable' are moving. The Effects of the '20th February Movement' on the Moroccon Kingdom).
- 05/2012 Panel Discussion: "Women in the Arab Spring" - 'Forum Gender-Studies' in Cooperation with the 'Gender-Equality-Office' of the University of Bonn.
- 02/2012 Conference: "Governance Beyond the Centre- Informality, Institutions and Contested Power Structures in Authoritarian Context. Titel of the Presentation: "Morocco between Decentralization and Re-Centralization: Close Impressions from the Middle Atlas".
- 11/2011 Conference: "Formal and Informal Governance in Morocco. Bottom-Up and Top-Down Models " in Rabat. Title of the Presentation: „Decantralisation and local Governance in Morocco. Understanding Politics from Below".
- 4/2011 Conference: "Mediterranean Meeting" in Florenz. Titel of the Presentation: „Informalizing Welfare. Neoliberalism in Morocco and Jordan".
Research Grants and Stipends
- 2008: DAAD-grant for the Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane/Morocco
- 2007: Grant of the ASA-Programm (InWent)
- German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation (DAVO)
- Middle East Studies Association