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Third meeting of the COME RES Country Desk in Germany on potentials, business models and good practices of energy communities

News from Oct 04, 2021

The Environmental Policy Research Centre (FFU) of the Freie Universität Berlin organised the third COME RES Country Desk meeting on 30 September 2021. The event took place in the framework of the Horizon 2020 project COME RES coordinated by the FFU. The organisation of the meeting enjoyed the support of the Wind Energy Service Unit of the Thuringian Energy and GreenTech Agency (ThEGA) and was moderated by Dr Bettina Knothe, Consultant for Participatory Sustainability. 

The event aimed at continuing the dialogue with stakeholders and policy actors carried out in December 2020 and March 2021 and focused on potentials, business models and good practices of energy communities as well as on specific aspects of an enabling framework for energy communities. Among the over 50 participants were members of the German Federal Parliament, representatives of regional ministries, energy agencies, citizens' energy associations including energy cooperatives, renewable energy associations, municipal utilities, project developers, financial institutions, consumer organisations, research institutes and civil society.

Dr Rosaria Di Nucci, Michael Krug and Vincenzo Gatta (FFU) reported on the current status of COME RES and presented project´s preliminary results, in particular the findings of a comparative study on the potentials of community energy until 2030 in the nine countries participating in the COME RES project. This was followed by a presentation and discussions on business models of energy communities (by Johannes Vollmer, Becker Büttner Held) and examples of good practice. The latter included four presentations about:

  • Co-operation between a developer, a municipal utility company and citizen energy cooperatives in Thuringia (Thomas Mund, municipal utility company Stadtwerke Nordhausen)
  • Community energy projects in Schleswig-Holstein, e.g. in the field of sector coupling (Horst Leithoff, Managing director of several community wind farms and Chairman of the regional section of the German Wind Energy Association in Schleswig-Holstein)
  • Direct marketing of electricity from community energy projects in NRW (Thomas Voss, Die Energielandwerker eG)
  • Pilot project on energy sharing in NRW (Prof. Jens Lowitzsch, Viadrina University Frankfurt Oder).

ThEGA´s Managing Director, Prof Dieter Sell, introduced the session on enabling frameworks for energy communities with a presentation focusing on the establishment of a community energy fund in Thuringia based on the Schleswig-Holstein model. Dr. Julia Verlinden, energy policy spokesperson of the Green Party, provided a preliminary assessment on the prospects for community energy after the federal elections. 

The documentation of the event in German and a summary in English will soon be available on the COME RES website https://come-res.eu/stakeholder-desks/germany.


Dr. Rosaria Di Nucci, dinucci@zedat.fu-berlin.de 

Michael Krug, mikru@zedat.fu-berlin.de 

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