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Transitions: From the abstract goal of socio-ecological transitions to concrete action

Presenting a transformative literacy training program for public administrations

News from Oct 14, 2021

Socio-ecological transitions towards sustainable development are ambitious projects. Although environmental policy objectives are commonly shared among public administrations, concrete actions for everyday's work often remain unclear. Designing transitions requires a systemic approach, meaning that different agents from several fields need to contribute respectively. What does this imply for public administrations? How can they affect the design of transitions? How does that shape the employees' working process?

To handle these questions, and within the project “daring transition” (“Transformation wagen", TrafoWag), the FFU in collaboration with Politics for Tomorrow developed a training program aiming precisely at building and evolving transformative literacy among pubilc adminstration employees. The format of a "transition workshop" ("Transformationswerkstatt", TrafoWerk) was tested and assessed in the environmental policy department in 2020/21. 

presentation of the TrafoWerk concept in the form of a questions-and-answers fact sheet is now available on the Federal Environmental Agency’s website.

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