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FFU organises stakeholder dialogue on renewable energy communities on September 30, 2021

News from Sep 13, 2021

On September 30, 2021, the Environmental Policy Research Centre of the Freie Universität Berlin together with the Thuringian Energy and GreenTech Agency (ThEGA) will host the second regular meeting of the German stakeholder desk from 13:00 - 17:30. The event is part of the activities carried out within the European Horizon 2020 project COME RES coordinated by the FU Berlin, which includes 16 partner organizations from 9 countries. The meeting targets all entities and actors involved and/or interested in the implementation of RECs in Germany, including energy communities, cooperatives, municipal entities, energy agencies, associations and interest groups, public authorities and other political and energy market actors.

The stakeholders come mainly from target region Thuringia and model region Schleswig-Holstein, but also from other German federal states (e.g. North Rhine-Westphalia) and organisations at the national level.

In light of the implementation of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED II) in Germany, this stakeholder dialogue makes particular reference to the Directive's provisions regarding renewable energy communities and good practices. Building upon the results of the thematic workshop held in March 2021, Dr. Rosaria Di Nucci and Michael Krug will illustrate the progress of the COME RES project and present preliminary results. This will be followed by the presentation and discussion of good practice examples ranging from the cooperation between municipal utility companies (Stadtwerke) and energy cooperatives in the wind farm Uthleben (Thuringia), a pilot project on energy sharing in Essen as well as further good practices from North Rhine Westphalia and the model region Schleswig Holstein. A further topic will be the planned citizens' energy fund in Thuringia. 

The event will take place online and in German. Please find here the Agenda in German. 

If you would like to attend, please register by 20.9.2021 at the following web address

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