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Student assistant (40 hours per month) wanted for the working group "Policy Assessment" (ID: FFU_SHK)

News from Sep 13, 2021

The FFU's working group "Policy Assessment" is hiring a student assistant in the scope of 40 hours per month, limited to 2 years, starting at the next possible date.

The tasks cover:

* supporting current research projects;

* editing and formatting of scientific publications (in German and English);

* conducting translations;

* maintaining the web presence;

* assist the event management.

Preferred assets are:

* studies of a sociological or political science field;

* very confident German and English literacy;

* basic knowledge of policy analysis;

* capability of self-reliant and autonomous working and active initiative;

* high team competency;

* keen interest in environmental and sustainability issues;

* proficient usage of the common Office software;

* familiarity with CMS.

Please address your sound application indicating the job-ID to Dr. Klaus Jacob (klaus.jacob@fu-berlin.de) preferably in one PDF document until the 04.10.2021. Due to the current health situation and for the period of limited staff presence on-site, please send your application electronically. We cannot guarantee for the processing of applications sent by mail.

You can access the vacancy also on the FU's job advertisment board.

We are looking forward to interesting applicants.

For further information reach out to Mr. Dr. Klaus Jacob (klaus.jacob@fu-berlin.de / 030 83854492).

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