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论市场价值和团队结构 –顶级欧洲足球联赛结果的预测因子分析

News vom 06.05.2019

格哈茨, 约根 & 米夏埃尔·穆茨. 2019. 论市场价值和团队结构 –顶级欧洲足球联赛结果的预测因子分析. 北京体育大学学报 42 42(2): 64-75.

Jürgen Gerhards & Michael Mutz. 2019. Market Value and Team Structure: Predictive Factor Analysis of the Results of Top European Football League. Journal of Beijing Sport University 42(2): 64-75 (This is a Chinese version of Gerhards & Mutz 2017, translated by Chen Yan.)

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