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Austausch Programme für auswärtige Studierende am Otto-Suhr-Institut / Exchange Programs for Incoming Students

Herzlich Willkommen auf unserer englischsprachigen Seite für auswärtige Studierende, die am Fachbereich für Politik- und Sozialwissenschaften studieren.

Die folgenden Seiten informieren über Anforderungen und Zulassungsdokumente, um das Studium am Fachbereich über einen Austausch des Fachbereichs mit einer Partneruniversität aufzunehmen.


Dear Applicant,

We are happy you chose FU Berlin for your stay abroad and welcome your application.

Please send the following application documents to the department/person from your home university responsible for the direct exchange program with the Department of Political and Social Sciences at FU Berlin.

  • Completed and signed application form 
  • Curriculum Vita
  • Letter of intent
  • Transcript of records
  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Photograph (print or digital version)
  • Passport (copy)
  • Proof of language skills (see alternatives below)

For non-native speakers of English or German either a German or English Test is required, as the courses offered at FU Berlin are in German or English. The following proof of language skills will be accepted:

Alternative 1: Proof of proficiency in English

  • TOEFL (550 written, 213 computer-based, 80 internet-based or higher)
  • IELTS-Test (International English Language Testing System) academic level indicating grade 7 or higher in all parts
  • Unicert: A certificate with the grade 2, 0 or higher on level 3 (Attention: Just taking part in the course is not sufficient. You have to have taken the final examination.)
  • Proof of either an English language undergraduate degree or English as your native language (copy of passport)

Alternative 2: Proof of proficiency in German

  • TestDAF (German as a Foreign Language) indicating  the grade 3 or higher in all four parts
  • Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang Stufe 1 (DSH-1)
  • Europäisches Sprachenzertifikat Deutsch B-2
  • Goethe-Zertifikat B-2
  • Goethe-Zertifikat C-2
  • Österreichisches Sprachdiplom C-1 Oberstufe Deutsch (OD)
  • Zertifikat Deutsch für den Beruf
  • Deutsches Sprachdiplom (Stufe II) der Kultusministerkonferenz (DSD II)
  • Zentrale Oberstufenprüfung (ZOP), Goethe-Institut
  • Kleines Deutsches Sprachdiplom, Goethe-Institut
  • Grosses Deutsches Sprachdiplom, Goethe-Institut
  • Proof of either an undergraduate degree in German or German as your native language (copy of passport)


On the basis of these documents your home university nominates the candidates for the direct exchange programs and forwards your application documents.


Entry/Residence/Enrollment at Freie Universität Berlin

Upon approval of your application by the Admission Committee of the respective exchange program, you may continue with registration.

Please carefully plan your stay at FU Berlin well ahead of your travel to Berlin. Formalities regarding enrollment, residence permits, visa, etc. can be handled more quickly if you bring along all required documents.

Please note that in order to obtain an entry visa or a residence permit for study purposes, it may be necessary to prove that you have a monthly amount of 600-700 EUR at your disposal, independent of possible employment.

Please check:


Tuition Fees

Within the direct exchange Master’s degree programs, Freie Universität Berlin does not charge any tuition fees (Studiengebühren) except for “semester fees and contributions” covering:

  • Enrollment / re-registration fee (Immatrikulationsgebühr or Rückmeldegebühr),
  • Social contribution (Sozialbeitrag) to the student union (Studentenwerk)
  • Contribution to the student government (Studentenschaft)
  • Semester ticket transportation pass (Semesterticket), Fee Zone ABC

Please check:

Please make the following documents available for enrollment (originals only):

  1. Proof of health insurance
    Please check: http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/international/studium_fu/einreise_aufenthalt/krankenversicherung/index.html
  2. Proof of language skills
  3. Bachelor/undergraduate certificate
  4. Transcript of records
  5. Photograph
  6. Passport


Contact Persons at Freie Universität Berlin:

Ulrike Kaczinski, Head of Coordination OfficeFor the Master’s Degree in International Relations

Ulrike Kaczinski,

Head of Coordination Office / Study and Examination Office








Kristina Klinkforth, Senior Program Manager IR-OnlineFor the Master’s Degree in International Relations Online

Joint Master’s degree program with the Elliot School of International Affairs, George Washington University

Kristina Klinkforth,

Senior Program Manager






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