"The populist Backlash to liberal Internationalism" - Public Lecture and Discussion with Professor Eric Posner
News vom 15.06.2017
A populist backlash around the world has targeted international law and legal institutions. Populists see international law as a device used by global elites to dominate policymaking and benefit themselves at the expense of the common people. This turn of events exposes the hollowness at the core of mainstream international law scholarship, for which the expansion of international law and the erosion of sovereignty have always been a forgone conclusion. But international law is dependent on public trust in technocratic rule-by-elites, which has been called into question by a series of international crises.
Professor Posner is Kirkland and Ellis Distinguished Service Professor of Law, University of Chicago. His books include The Twilight of Human Rights Law (Oxford, 2014); Economic Foundations of International Law (with Alan Sykes) (Harvard, 2013); Contract Law and Theory (Aspen, 2011); The Executive Unbound: After the Madisonian Republic (with Adrian Vermeule) (Oxford, 2011); Climate Change Justice (with David Weisbach) (Princeton, 2010); He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the American Law Institute.
Time & Location
June 20th 2017 – 18.30
Henry-Ford-Building, Freie Universität Berlin,
Garystraße 35, Hörsaal B
For more information, please follow this link.