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Local Implementation of Agenda 2030

SDG-Task Force

SDG-Task Force

Paper von Lena Partzsch und Nike Stenzel bei “GlobalGoals2024 Conference: The Future of the SDGs” in Utrecht vorgestellt

News vom 10.09.2024

Prof. Lena Partzsch nahm am Treffen des "SDG Task Force"-Netzwerks am 28.09. und der GlobalGoals Conference am 29./30.09.2024 in Utrecht teil. Die Events dienten als wichtiges akademisches Sprungbrett für den UN-Zukunftsgipfel.

Die Konferenz bot Wissenschaftler:innen eine Plattform, um ihre Forschungsergebnisse auszutauschen und anderen Interessengruppen die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Ideen zur Zukunft der SDGs und der globalen Nachhaltigkeitssteuerung zu äußern. Darüber hinaus hat die GlobalGoals2024 zentrale Empfehlungen für den UN-Zukunftsgipfel formuliert.

Prof. Partzsch stellte ein Paper von ihr und Ko-Autorin Nike Stenzel mit dem Titel "Environmental Sustainability in the Local Implementation of Agenda 2030“ vor.

Abstract: Humans are dramatically accelerating global environmental change. While some scholars argue that the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mask ongoing contestation over sustainable development (e.g., Bengtsson et al, 2018; Sachs, 2017), others see them as an example of development approaches being increasingly ‘in tune with the biosphere, of reconnecting development to the biosphere preconditions’ (Folke et al, 2016: 5). In particular, countries with a high income in terms of GDP per capita are expected to prioritize environmental over economic goals at the stage of implementation. We use Voluntary Local Reviews (VLRs) to assess the importance of the environment in the implementation of the global goals at the local level. More and more municipalities in Europe and around the world use this new form of local reporting. The paper begins with a categorization of the environmental goals of the 2030 Agenda and the importance of local action for their implementation. Against the backdrop of the scholarly controversy on what defines environmental sustainability, the paper then assesses the full sample of European VLRs to identify the priorities of municipalities in their implementation. We conclude that the 67 Conference Programme | GLOBALGOALS2024 environment takes a back seat to social and, above all, economic goals, but at the same time we identify a range of possible actions at the local level.

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