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Legitimate crisis governance in multilevel systems (LEGITIMULT)


Horizon Europe, HORIZON-CL2-2021-DEMOCRACY-01, GA Nr. 101061550

(c) Legitimult

(c) Legitimult

LEGITIMULT assesses the impact of the measures taken during the Covid-19 crisis on multilevel governance and intergovernmental relations in 31 European democracies (EU-27, plus Switzerland, Norway, Iceland and the UK).


To develop a model of legitimate crisis governance, the international teams examine questions related to democratic participation, trust in governments and public authorities, the adequacy of responsive actions and policies, and the consequences for human and minority rights.

The team at the Freie Universität looks specifically at the political legitimacy of the social, economic and financial measures taken by international, national and subnational governments during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The project develops recommendations to effectively and sustainably manage crises in the future. Working together with politicians, government officials, experts, journalists, and citizens aims to ensure that crisis measures can be successfully coordinated between multiple levels of government.

The LEGITIMULT consortium consists of eleven research institutes, including

  • European Research Academy Bolzano (Italy)
  • Forum of Federations (Canada)
  • Université de Fribourg (Switzerland)
  • Universitetet i Bergen (Norway)
  • Universiteit Leiden (the Netherlands)
  • Institute for Ethnic Studies (Slovenia)
  • Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium)
  • Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (Spain)
  • Sveučilište u Zagrebu Fakultet Političkih Znanosti (Croatia)
  • International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (Sweden)

The project, which will run for three years, has received funding worth just under €3.7 million as part of the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme.


Guderjan, M., Kölling, M. & Schnabel, J. (2023) Multilevel Crisis Management: COVID-19 responses in federal and decentralised polities. In: Jahrbuch des Föderalismus: Föderalismus, Subsidiarität und Regionen in Europa. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 178-191.


Guderjan, M., Schnabel, J., Herrero, A., & Kölling, M. (2023) Research outline: Multilevel governance and social, fiscal and economic measures during the Covid-19 pandemic. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10212629

Guderjan, M., Schnabel, J., Herrero, A., Kölling, M., & Valdesalici, A. (2023) Literature review - Multilevel governance and social, fiscal and economic measures during the Covid-19 pandemic. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10212800

Guderjan, M., Schnabel, J., Herrero, A., Kölling, M., & Valdesalici, A. (2023) Deliverable WP6: Legitimate crisis governance and economic sustainability [Data set]. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7949248

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