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VW-Projekt “Political cohesion under conditions of fiscal scarcity – German federalism in the time of COVID-19” bewilligt

News vom 11.12.2020

Im Rahmen des Förderprogramms der VolkswagenStiftung „Corona Crisis and Beyond - Perspectives for Science, Scholarship and Society” wurde das Projekt “Political cohesion under conditions of fiscal scarcity – German federalism in the time of COVID-19” für die Dauer von 18 Monaten bewilligt.

Projektleiterin ist Prof. Dr. Sabine Kropp.

Short description:
Applying a mixed-methods design, the project will investigate how German governments at both federal levels are coping with fiscal scarcity caused by the extensive COVID-19 support packages. The project will examine the extent to which opportunistic strategies that are regarded as typical for federal settings affect political cohesion and which political and institutional safeguards are suitable for containing those strategies. By examining the German case, the project will offer an innovative contribution to comparative federalism.

Die Ausschreibung der Stellen erfolgt demnächst.

SFB 700