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Dr. Johanna Schnabel zum Management der Corona-Krise im Föderalismus in "West European Politics" (with Yvonne Hegele)

Federalism and the management of the COVID-10 crisis: Centralisation, decentralisation and (non-)coordination

News vom 04.02.2021

The article examines the management of the COVID-19 pandemic in the three European federations (Austria, Germany, Switzerland). By distinguishing two dimensions of decision making (centralised/decentralised, unilateral/coordinated) it shows that federations differed quite significantly in the way they handled the crisis. The difference in approaches can partly be explained by the distribution of powers. Political and economic factors also influenced the choice of crisis management strategies.

Link: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01402382.2021.1873529

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