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Book on Reforms and Social Cohesion in Ukraine and its Border Regions

Aasland, Aadne and Sabine Kropp (eds) 2021: The Accommodation of Regional and Ethno-cultural Diversity in Ukraine. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 272 pp.

News vom 12.10.2021

About the book:
The book offers new insights into how ethnicity, language and regional-local identity interact within the context of Ukrainian political reform, and indicates how these reforms affect social cohesion among ethno-cultural groups. While the individual chapters each focus on one or a few facets of the overall research question, together they draw a nuanced picture of the multifaceted challenges to creating and consolidating social cohesion in a nationalizing state. The concept integrates various disciplines, including political science, international relations, law, and sociology. Correspondingly, the contributions are based on various methodological approaches, ranging from legal analysis over media discourse analysis, individual and focus group interviews to analysis of data from a representative population survey. The findings of the in-depth study are discussed within the broader context of comparative research on diversity management and social cohesion in fragmented societies.

Sabine Kropp has co-authored three chapters:
Kropp, Sabine and Aadne Aasland: Political reforms in Ukraine and their effects on social cohesion – a conceptualization, 1-22.

Holm-Hansen, Jørn and Sabine Kropp: The Regional Diversity of Ukraine: Can Federalization be Achieved? In: Aasland, Aadne and Sabine Kropp (eds): The Accommodation of Regional and Ethno-cultural Diversity in Ukraine. Houndmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 23-51.

Aasland Aadne, Oleksandra Deineko, Olga Filippova and Sabine Kropp: Citizens’ perspectives: Reform and social cohesion in Ukraine’s border regions, 237-272.

Zum Buch:

77 / 100
SFB 700