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Flight and Migration in the Media: Data Analysis of Reporting from 2014-2024 (Lukas Hoffmann)

You have the opportunity to work with a dataset of approximately 90,000 news articles from Switzerland, Germany, the UK, and Spain, covering the topic of flight and migration from 2014 to 2022. You should extend the dataset to include the years 2023 and 2024 (sampling via NexisUni) and process it into a structured, comprehensive dataset. Proficiency in German or English is required, although machine translation of the dataset and/or output would also be possible. This provides you with numerous analytical possibilities: For example, you could investigate how migrants are portrayed, what narratives are used, or which actors (e.g., politicians) propagate central narratives across different media.

Possible research questions for automated content analyses: How do changes in reporting correlate with political events or legislative changes? Which actors shape the public discussion—for example, how are migrant voices represented in the reporting itself, and in what context?

Possible research question for a network analysis: Which actors play a central role, and to what extent are there cross-country and cross-media networks?

Whether working alone or in small groups (2-3 people), this practice-oriented project offers fascinating insights into data analysis and processing, as well as into the topic of flight and migration in the media!

If interested, please contact Lukas Benedikt Hoffmann: lukas.hoffmann@fu-berlin.de

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