Zuletzt aktualisiert: 05.10.2015
Inhalt / Content:
Griesi, Elettra
Leben in der Vertikale: Gegenseitige Beeinflussung von Raum und sozialen Praktiken am Beispiel der Plattenbauten von Pinar del Río (Kuba). - Berlin: Weißensee Verlag, 2014. - 192 S. (Berliner Beiträge zur Ethnologie, Bd. 32). ISBN: 978-3-89998-220-6. - URL: http://www.weissensee-verlag.de/autoren/griesi-9783899982206.htm
Für diese Abschlussarbeit am Institut für Ethnologie wurde die Verfasserin Elettra Griesi mit dem Rudolph-Virchow-Förderpreis 2014 ausgezeichnet!

- Zenker, Olaf
White Claimants and the Moral Community of South African Land Restitution Halle/Saale: Max-Planck-Institut für ethnologische Forschung 2014. 22 p. (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Working Papers. No. 151. ISSN 1615-4568. Herausgeber: Marie-Claire Foblets, Chris Hann, Günther Schlee, Keebet von Benda-Beckmannn) URL: http://www.eth.mpg.de/cms/de/publications/working_papers/wp0151.html
Herausgeberschaft eines Buchs/Sammelwerks
- Abdalla, Mustafa; Dias Barros, Denise; Berthet, Marina (Hrsg.)
Spaces in Movement. New Perspectives on Migration in African Settings. - Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2014. - 205 S. (Topics in Interdisciplinary African Studies. Band 35); ISBN: 978-3-89645-905-3. - URL: https://www.koeppe.de/titel_details.php?id=704
- Egner, Heike; Schorch, Marén; Voß, Martin (Eds.)
Learning and Calamities. Practices, Interpretations, Patterns: Routledge Chapman & Hall, 2014. - 334 S. (Routledge Studies in Environment, Culture, and Society) ISBN: 0415703352. - URL: http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415703352/
- Dilger, Hansjörg; van Dijk, Rijk; Burchardt, Marian; Rasing, Thera (Hrsg.)
Religion and AIDS Treatment in Africa. Saving Souls, Prolonging Lives: Ashgate, 2014. - 320 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4094-5669-8. - URL: http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781409456698
Herausgeberschaft einer Zeitschrift, Schriftenreihe
Zeitschriftenaufsatz / Article in a Journal
- Bohle, Leah F.; Dilger, Hansjörg; Groß, Uwe
HIV-serostatus disclosure in the context of free antiretroviral therapy and socio-economic dependency: experiences among women living with HIV in Tanzania
in: African Journal of AIDS Research 13 (3) 2014: 215-227
DOI: 10.2989/16085906.2014.952646
URL: www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.2989/16085906.2014.952646#.VGM9W2fDvcY
- Dilger, Hansjörg
Claiming Territory: Medical Mission, Interreligious Revivalism, and the Spatialization of Health Interventions in Urban Tanzania
in: Medical Anthropology 33(1), Schwerpunktheft "Turning Therapies: Placing Medical Diversity" (hg. von David Parkin, Kristine Krause und Gabi Alex). - 33 (2014), 1, 52-67; DOI: 10.1080/01459740.2013.829056. - URL: http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/01459740.2013.829056#.U0UNv1fVy70
- Dohrn, Kristina
Translocal Ethics: Hizmet Teachers and the Formation of Gülen-inspired Schools in Urban Tanzania
in: Sociology of Islam. - Volume 1 (2014), Issue 3-4, pp. 233 – 256; ISSN: 2213-140X. - DOI: 10.1163/22131418-00104007. -
URL: http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/22131418-00104007
- Grätz, Tilo
Radio Call-In Shows on Intimate Issues in Benin: “Crossroads of Sentiments”.
in: African Studies Review. - 57 (2014), (1), pp. 25-48. ISSN: 0002-0206. - URL: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9224346&fileId=S0002020614000043
- Grätz, Tilo
Christian religious radio production in Benin: The case of Radio Maranatha.
in: Social Compass. - 61 (2014), (2), pp. 57-66
DOI: 10.1177/0037768613513943. - URL: http://scp.sagepub.com/content/61/1/57.full.pdf+html
- Grätz, Tilo
Ressourcenkonflikte und Autochthonie-Diskurse in Westafrika am Beispiel des handwerklichen Goldabbaus im Nordwesten Benins sowie im Südwesten Malis.
in: Anthropos Journal. - A 109 (2014), (1), pp. 57-79. URL: http://www.anthropos.eu/anthropos/journal/abstracts/1091/05.php
- Grätz, Tilo; Skalnik, Petr; Bondarenko, Dmitri
Anthropology, History and Memory in Sub-Saharan Africa, In Memoriam Michel Izard. Introduction.
in: Social Evolution and History. Anthropology, History and Memory in Sub-Saharan Africa. In Memoriam Michel Izard. Special Issue. - 13 (2014), (2), 5-16
URL: http://www.sociostudies.org/journal/articles/250565/
- Heyken, Edda
„Das ist ein Traum, der fast zwanzig Jahre dauert.“ Über die Suche nach individuellen Erinnerungsformen bosnischer Frauen und Männer in Berlin zum Umgang mit den Erfahrungen von Krieg, Flucht und Unsicherheit.
in: Südosteuropäische Hefte. Tomić, Đorđe und Robert Lučić (Hg.). - Jg. 3 (2014), (1), S. 72-85
ISSN: 2194-3710. - URL: https://suedosteuropaeischehefte.files.wordpress.com/2014/08/sh_3_1_heyken.pdf
- Köhn, Steffen
Screening Transnational Spaces. Anthropology’s spatial paradigms and the construction of cinematic space in ethnographic film.
in: Anthrovision. Vaneasa Online journal (2014). URL: http://anthrovision.revues.org/1449
- Lorenz, Daniel F.; Hempel, Leon
Resilience as an Element of a Sociology of Expression
in: Behemoth. - Vol. 7 (2014), Issue No.2. URL: http://ojs.ub.uni-freiburg.de/behemoth/article/view/833
- Lorenz, Daniel; Schulze, Katja
Katastrophenbewältigung aus Bevölkerungssicht: Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Befragung.
in: Notfallvorsorge. - (4) (2014), S. 29-34
URL: https://www.walhalla.de/%C3%B6ffentlicher-dienst/notfallvorsorge.artikel.html
- Lorenz, Daniel F.; Heesen, Jessica; Nagenborg, Michael; Voß, Martin; Wenzel, Bettina
Blind Spots on Achilles’ Heel. On the Limitations of Vulnerability and Resilience Mapping in Research
in: International Journal of Disaster Risk Science. - Vol. 5 (2014), (1), S. 74-85; DOI: 10.1007/s13753-014-0014-5. -
URL: http://www.springer.com/earth+sciences+and+geography/natural+hazards/journal/13753
- Mattes, Dominik
Caught in Transition: The Struggle to Live a ‘Normal’ Life with HIV in Tanzania
in: Medical Anthropology. - 33 (2014), (4), 270-87 DOI: 10.1080/01459740.2013.877899.. -
URL: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24422743
- Pfeffer, Georg
Ethnographies of States and Tribes in Highland Odisha
in: Asian Ethnology; Special Issue "The Bison and the Horn. Indeigeneity, Performance, and the State in India", edited by Richard K. Wolf and Frank Heidemann. - Vol. 73 (2014), 1-2, pp. 259-80; URL: https://nirc.nanzan-u.ac.jp/nfile/4363
- Poser und Groß-Nädlitz, Anita; Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt; Ta, Thi Minh Tam; Neuhaus, Andres H.; Burian, Ronald; Schomerus, Georg; Diefenbacher, Albert; Dettling, Michael; Hahn, Eric
Inanspruchnahme ambulanter psychiatrischer Versorgung bei vietnamesischen Migranten der ersten Generation in Deutschland
in: Psychiatrische Praxis. - 41 (2014), (5), S. 1-7; URL: https://www.thieme.de/de/psychiatrische-praxis/jahresverzeichnisse-2255.htm
- Reynaud, Anne-Marie
Dealing with Difficult Emotions: Anger at the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada
in: Anthropologica. - Vol. 56 (2014), No. 2, 369-382
URL: http://muse.jhu.edu/login?auth=0&type=summary&url=/journals/anthropologica/v056/56.2.reynaud.pdf
- Selim, Nasima; Hasan, Tanvir; Muhaddes, Tisa; Camellia, Suborna; Faiz Rashid, Sabina
Prevalence and experiences of intimate partner violence against women with disabilities in Bangladesh: Results of an explanatory sequential mixed method study
in: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. - 29 (2014), (17), pp. 3105–3126
DOI: 10.1177/0886260514534525.. - URL: http://jiv.sagepub.com/content/29/17.toc
- Stodulka, Thomas Jan
Feldforschung als Begegnung – Zur pragmatischen Dimension ethnographischer Daten
in: Sociologus. - Bd. 64 (2014), Nr. 2, S. 179-206; ISSN: Print 0038-0377. - ISSN Online 1865-5106.-
URL: http://ejournals.duncker-humblot.de/action/doSearch?Contrib=Stodulka%2C+T
- Wolf, Angelika; Hörbst, Viola
ARVs and ARTs: medicoscapes and the unequal place-making for biomedical treatments in sub-Saharan Africa.
in: Medical Anthropology Quarterly. - 28 (2014), (2), S.182-202; DOI: 10.1111/maq.12091. -
URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/maq.12091/abstract
- Zenker, Olaf; Anders, Gerhard
Transition and Justice: An Introduction.
in: Development and Change. Special Issue: Transition and Justice: Negotiating the Terms of New Beginnings in Africa. - Vol. 45 (2014), Issue 3, 395-414. DOI: 10.1111/dech.12096. -
URL: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dech.12096/abstract
Beitrag in einem Buch o. Sammelwerk / Contribution in a Book or Collecton
- Abdalla, Mustafa; Dias Barros, Denise
The Resonance of Travel in a Dogon Village – Pilgrimage Experience, Mobility and Social Change in Songho, Mali.
In: Spaces in Movement. New Perspectives on Migration in African Settings / Eds. Mustafa Abdalla, Denise Dias Barros, Marina Berthet. - Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag, 2014. - pp. 57-78 (Reihe: Topics in Interdisciplinary African Studies. Band 35); ISBN: 978-3-89645-905-3. - URL: https://www.koeppe.de/titel_details.php?id=704
- Bens, Jonas; Kleinfeld, Susanne
Fußball, Macht und Politik: Eine Einführung. Kritische Blicke in die Mythen rund um Fußball.
in: Fußball. Macht. Politik. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Fußball und Gesellschaft. / Jonas Bens, Susanne Kleinfeld, Karoline Noack (Hrsg.). - Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, 2014. - S. 9-19
URL: http://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-2558-5/fussball.-macht.-politik.
- Bierbichler, Martina; Scholl, Wolfgang
Kompetenzen von Innovationspromotoren
in: Mut zu Innovationen: Impulse aus Forschung, Beratung und Ausbildung / Scholl, W., Schmelzer, F., Kunert, S., Bedenk, S., Hüttner, J., Pullen, J. und Tirre, S. (Hrsg.). - Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Gabler, 2014. - S. 253-274ISBN: 978-3642402265. -
URL: http://www.springer.com/springer+gabler/management/book/978-3-642-40226-5
- Cordillera Castillo, Rosa
Perspectives on Truth, Justice, Reparation, and Reconciliation in Central Mindanao
in: Moving Beyond: Towards Transitional Justice in the Bangsamoro Peace Process / Venus Betita, Manuel Domes, Daniel Jaeger, Lotte Kirch, Jeremy Simons (eds.). - Mindanao: forum ZFD Philippines, 2014. - pp. 29-40
URL: http://www.scribd.com/doc/233661369/Moving-Beyond-Towards-Transitional-Justice-in-the-Bangsamoro-Peace-Process
- Cordillera Castillo, Rosa; Alvarez-Castillo, Fatima
Gender-Based Barriers to Access to Health Care and Medicine: The case of India and China
in: The Living Tree: Traditional Medicine and Public Health in China and India / Sachin Chaturvedi, Miltos Ladikas, Guo Lifeng and Krishna Ravi Srinivas, eds.. - New Delhi: Academic Foundation, 2014. - pp 85 - 128
ISBN: 9332700834. -
URL: http://www.amazon.in/The-Living-Tree-Traditional-Medicine/dp/9332700834
- Dilger, Hansjörg
No Public? Class Dynamics, the Politics of Extraversion, and the Non-Formation of Political Publics and (Religious) AIDS Activism in Urban Tanzania
in: Transnationalität und Öffentlichkeit: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven / Caroline Schmitt und Asta Vonderau. - Bielefeld: Transcript, 2014. - 175-206.
ISBN: 978-3-8376-2154-9
URL: http://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-2154-9/transnationalitaet-und-oeffentlichkeit
- Dilger, Hansjörg; Burchardt, Marian; van Dijk, Rijk
Introduction. Religion and AIDS Treatment in Africa: The Redemptive Moment.
in: Religion and AIDS Treatment in Africa: Saving Souls, Prolonging Lives / Rijk van Dijk, Hansjörg Dilger, Marian Burchardt, Thera Rasing (eds.). - London: Ashgate, 2014. - 1-24.
ISBN: 978-1-4094-5669-8. -
URL: http://www.ashgate.com/isbn/9781409456698
- Funk, Leberecht
Entanglements between Tao People and Anito on Lanyu Island, Taiwan. In: Monster Anthropology in Australasia and Beyond / (Eds.) Yasmine Musharbash, Geir Henning Presterudstuen: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014. ISBN: 9781137472793. - URL: http://www.palgrave.com/page/detail/monster-anthropology-in-australasia-and-beyond-yasmine-musharbash/?K=9781137472793
- Grätz, Tilo
Labour Migration and Moral Dimensions of Interethnic Friendships: The Case of Young Gold Miners in Benin (West Africa).
in: Friendship, descent and alliance in Africa. / Martine Guichard, Tilo Grätz, Youssouf Diallo (eds.). - London, New York: Berghahn, 2014. - pp. 97-116. ISBN: 978-1-78238-286-7. - URL: http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title.php?rowtag=GuichardFriendship
- Grätz, Tilo
Grogneurs: New Media Actors in Benin (West Africa).
in: Researching Muslim Societies. Inside and Outside ZMO. / Ulrike Freitag (ed.). - Berlin: Zentrum Moderner Orient, 2014. - pp. 58-65. URL: https://www.zmo.de/publikationen/2015/140813_ZMO_Broschuere.pdf
- Heuser, Eric Anton
Locations of Emotional Security—Queer Narratives on Stigma, Marginality, and Cross-Cultural Friendships in Java
in: Feelings at the Margins - Dealing with Violence, Stigma and Isolation in Indonesia / Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Thomas Stodulka. - Frankfurt, New York, 2014. - 128-147
ISBN: 978-3-593-50005-8. - URL: http://www.campus.de/buecher-campus-verlag/wissenschaft/kulturwissenschaften/feelings_at_the_margins-8157.html
- Pfeffer, Georg
Times of Trouble for Christians in Hindu and Muslim Societies of South Asia
in: Constructing Indian Christianities. Culture, Conversion and Caste / Chad M. Bauman, Richard Fox Young (Eds.): Routledge India, 2014. - pp. 161-187 ISBN: 1138020184. -
URL: http://routledge-ny.com/books/details/9781138020184/
- von Poser, Anita; von Poser, Alexis Themo
Grundlagen der ethnologischen Lebenslaufforschung
in: Lebensläufe im Wandel: Sichtweisen verschiedener Disziplinen / Hans-Werner Wahl und Andreas Kruse. - Stuttgart: Kohlhammer: Kohlhammer, 2014. - S. 64-67
ISBN: 978-3-17-022171-0. -
URL: http://www.kohlhammer.de/wms/instances/KOB/appDE/Vorschau/Lebenslaeufe-im-Wandel/
- Reichel, Eva
Exploring Illness: Notes from Recent Fieldwork among the Ho.
In: Contemporary Society: Tribal Studies. Volume 9: Health in the Context of Tribal Culture / Behera, Deepak Kumar (ed.). - New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company, 2014. - pp. 32 – 46 (Contemporary Society Tribal Studies); ISBN: 9789351250609. - URL: http://www.conceptpub.com/servlet/Getbiblio?bno=00001920
- Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt
Emotionen als soziale Navigatoren
in: Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Jahrbuch 1/2013: Soziale Kognition (German Edition) / Gerald Hartung und Matthias Herrgen (Hrsg.). - Wuppertal: Springer VS, 2014. - S. 74-81.ISBN: 3658049324. -
URL: http://www.amazon.de/Interdisziplin%C3%A4re-Anthropologie-Jahrbuch-Soziale-Kognition/dp/3658049324/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1408459993&sr=1-1&keywords=Matthias+Jung
- Röttger-Rössler, Birgitt; Stodulka, Thomas
Introduction—The Emotional Make-up of Marginality and Stigma
in: Feelings at the Margins - Dealing with Violence, Stigma and Isolation in Indonesia / Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Thomas Stodulka. - Frankfurt, New York: Campus, 2014. - 11-29
ISBN: 978-3-593-50005-8. -
URL: http://www.campus.de/buecher-campus-verlag/wissenschaft/kulturwissenschaften/feelings_at_the_margins-8157.html
- Rutert, Britta
Considerations of a Legal “Trust” Model for the Kukula Healers´ TK Commons in South Africa
in: Innovation & Intellectual Property. Collaborative Dynamics in Africa. / Jeremy de Beer, Chris Armstrong; Chidi Oguamanam; Tobia Schonwetter. - Cape Town: University of Cape Town Press, 2014. - 151-170
ISBN: 978-1-91989-599-4. -
URL: http://www.openair.org.za/images/9781775821845.pdf
- Sakti, Victoria K.
The Act of Killing and Dealing with Present-Day Demons of Impunity— A Conversation with Joshua Oppenheimer
in: Feelings at the Margins - Dealing with Violence, Stigma and Isolation in Indonesia / Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Thomas Stodulka. - Fankfurt, New York: Campus, 2014. - pp. 218-228
ISBN: 978-3-593-50005-8. -
URL: http://www.campus.de/buecher-campus-verlag/wissenschaft/kulturwissenschaften/feelings_at_the_margins-8157.html
- Scheidecker, Gabriel
Cattle, Conflicts and Gendarmes in Southern Madagascar: A Local Perspective on fihavanana gasy.
In: Fihavanana – La vision d’une société paisible à Madagascar / Peter Kneitz (Hrsg): Universitätsverlag Halle-Wittenberg, 2014. - pp. 129-156 (Schriften des Zentrums für Interdisziplinäre Regionalstudien Band 4)
ISBN: 978-3-86977-092-5. - URL: http://www.universitaetsverlag-halle-wittenberg.de/default/zirs/fihavanana-la-vision-d-une-societe-paisible-a-madagascar.html
- Selim, Nasima
What does sitting have to do with the self? Body techniques, personhood and well-being in Vipassana meditation
in: Medical Anthropology: Essays and Reflections from an Amsterdam Graduate Programme / Sjaak Van der Geest, Trudie Gerrits, Julia Challinor (editors). - Diemen: AMB, 2014. - Pp. 265-282 (Health, Culture and Society: Studies in Medical Anthropology and Sociology Series)
ISBN: 97890-79700-653. -
URL: http://www.amb-press.nl/Webwinkel-Product-65481153/Vd-Geest-Gerrits-Challinor-%E2%80%93-MEDICAL-ANTHROPOLOGY.html
- Stodulka, Thomas
“Playing it Right”—Empathy and Emotional Economies on the Streets of Java
in: Feelings at the Margins - Dealing with Violence, Stigma and Isolation in Indonesia / Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Thomas Stodulka. - Frankfurt, New York: Campus, 2014. - pp. 103-127
ISBN: 978-3-593-50005-8
URL: http://www.campus.de/buecher-campus-verlag/wissenschaft/kulturwissenschaften/feelings_at_the_margins-8157.html
- Thajib, Ferdiansyah
Navigating Inner Conflict—Online Circulation of Indonesian Muslim Queer Emotions
in: Feelings at the Margins - Dealing with Violence, Stigma and Isolation in Indonesia / Birgitt Röttger-Rössler, Thomas Stodulka. - Frankfurt, New York: Campus, 2014. - pp. 159-179
ISBN: 978-3-593-50005-8. -
URL: http://www.campus.de/buecher-campus-verlag/wissenschaft/kulturwissenschaften/feelings_at_the_margins-8157.html
- von Vacano, Mechthild; Zaumseil, Manfred; Schwarz, Silke; Sullivan, Gavin Brent; Prawitasari-Hadiyono, Johana E.
A Cultural Psychological Framework for Coping with Disasters
in: Cultural Psychology of Coping with Disasters.The Case of an Earthquake in Java, Indonesia. / Editors: Vacano, Mechthild von; Zaumseil, Manfred; Schwarz, S.; Sullivan, Gavin Brent; Prawitasari-Hadiyono, J.E.: Springer, 2014. - 85-104
ISBN: 978-1-4614-9354-9
- von Vacano, Mechthild; Zaumseil, Manfred; Schwarz, Silke; Sullivan, Gavin Brent; Prawitasari-Hadiyono, Johana E.
in: The Case of an Earthquake in Java, Indonesia. Cultural Psychology of Coping with Disasters / Zaumseil, M., Schwarz, S., von Vacano, M., Sullivan, G.B., Prawitasari-Hadiyono, J.E. (Eds.): Springer, 2014. - xiii-xix
ISBN: 978-1-4614-9354-9. -
URL: http://www.springer.com/psychology/community+psychology/book/978-1-4614-9353-2
- von Vacano, Mechthild; Zaumseil, Manfred
Understanding Disasters: An Analysis and Overview of the Field of Disaster Research and Management
in: Cultural Psychology of Coping with Disasters. The Case of an Earthquake in Java, Indonesia / Zaumseil, M., Schwarz, S., von Vacano, M., Sullivan, G.B., Prawitasari-Hadiyono, J.E. (Eds.): Springer, 2014. - 3-44
ISBN: 978-1-4614-9354-9
- von Vacano, Mechthild
Contextualizing the Research: Introduction to the Case Study in Java, Indonesia
in: Cultural Psychology of Coping with Disasters. The Case of an Earthquake in Java, Indonesia / Zaumseil, M., Schwarz, S., von Vacano, M., Sullivan, G.B., Prawitasari-Hadiyono, J.E. (Eds.): Springer, 2014. - 105-128
- von Vacano, Mechthild
The Material Dimension of Coping: Socioculturally Mediated Biophysical Process
in: Cultural Psychology of Coping with Disasters.The Case of an Earthquake in Java, Indonesia. / Zaumseil, M., Schwarz, S., von Vacano, M., Sullivan, G.B., Prawitasari-Hadiyono, J.E. (Eds.): Springer, 2014. - 183-202
ISBN: 978-1-4614-9354-9
- von Vacano, Mechthild; Schwarz, Silke
The Religious Dimension of Coping: The Roles of Cosmologies and Religious Practices
in: Cultural Psychology of Coping with Disasters.The Case of an Earthquake in Java, Indonesia. / Vacano, Mechthild von; Zaumseil, Manfred; Schwarz, S.; Sullivan, Gavin Brent; Prawitasari-Hadiyono, J.E.: Springer, 2014. - 245-266
ISBN: 978-1-4614-9354-9
- von Vacano, Mechthild; Zaumseil, Manfred; Schwarz, Silke; Sullivan, Gavin Brent; Prawitasari-Hadiyono, Johana E.
Concluding Remarks
in: Cultural Psychology of Coping with Disasters.The Case of an Earthquake in Java, Indonesia / Vacano, Mechthild von; Zaumseil, Manfred; Schwarz, S.; Sullivan, Gavin Brent; Prawitasari-Hadiyono, J.E.: Springer, 2014. - 345-350
ISBN: 978-1-4614-9354-9
- Egner, Heike; Schorch, Marén; Voss, Martin;
Introduction. In: Learning and Calamities. Practices, Interpretations, Patterns / Egner, Heike/Schorch, Marén/Voss, Martin (Eds.): Routledge Chapman & Hall, 2014; ISBN: 978-0-415-70335-2
- Zitelmann, Thomas
Ethiopia and Eritrea in germanophone films. In: Encyclopedia Aethiopica / Eds. Alessandro Bausi, Siegbert Uhlig. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014. - Vol. V. - pp. 323-325; ISBN: 3447067403. - URL: http://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/title_1109.ahtml
- Zitelmann, Thomas
Itineraries of the Ethiopian and Eritrean Region before the End of the 19th. Century. In: Aethiopica / Eds. Alessandro Bausi, Siegbert Uhlig. - Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2014. - Vol. V. - pp. 364-365; ISBN: 3447067403. -
URL: http://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/title_1109.ahtml
Rezension / Review
- Selim, Nasima
Rez. zu: Alyson Callan, Patients and Agents: Mental Illness, Modernity and Islam in Sylhet, Bangladesh. New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 2012. in: Medicine Anthropology Theory. - 1 (2014), (1), S. 213 - 214.
URL: http://www.medanthrotheory.org/read/4496/patients-and-agents-mental-illness-modernity-and-islam-in-sylhet-bangladesh
Zenker, Olaf
Rez. zu: Thomas Blom Hansen, Melancholia of freedom. Social life in an Indian township in South Africa.
in: American Ethnologist. - 41 (2014), (2), S. 384-385. URL: http://americanethnologist.org/category/volume-41-issue-2-may-2014/
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