Müge Akpinar
Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
PhD Research on ''Cultivating Muslim Healthy Selves: 'True Medicine', Virtue Ethics, and Everyday Islam in Istanbul" (Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies)
Kathrin Bauer
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Birgitt Röttger-Rössler)
Promotionsforschung: Diversity or Disfunction. Bio-social-cultural Influences on Life with ADHD (traits) in two Colombian Communities.
Julia Nina Baumann
Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)
PhD Project: "Courage, fear, distress, rage, and love in a culture of no-feeling - Ethnographers’ Emotional Experience in Everyday academic worlds" (Cumulative Dissertation)
Leonie Benker
Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Jonas Bens)
PhD Project: Poisonous Politics: Political Atmosphere and Generational Conflict in Contemporary Uganda
Tirthankar Chakraborty
Doktorand / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Jonas Bens)
Project title: ‘Pedagogy of Fear’: An Ethnohistorical study of the institutionalisation of fear to create a subservient citizenry. (DAAD Doctoral Fellow)
Florin Cristea
Wiss. Mitarbeiter und Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)
DFG-Projekt: "Afflicted Minds – ‘Madness’, Morality, and Emotions in rural Bali (and Timor)"
Hellena Debelts
Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Forschung: "Networking with Viruses – A multispecies ethnography of zoonotic viral pathogen circulation in The Gambia and in international transdisciplinary health research"
Sara El-Dayekh
Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)
Doctoral Research on "What do migrant divorcees in Germany cry about when they cry their divorce? A sensitive look at post-divorce loss(es) and disenfranchised grief"
Asli Gücin
Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Doctoral Research on "Assimilation by Dispossession: Eco-Political Implications of Transforming the Sacred Nature of Dersim"
Sarah Hartmann
Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Doctoral Research: The Role of Islam in the Informal Education Sector - An Ethnographic Study of Private Tutoring Centers in Egypt
Anna Helfer
PhD candidate at Freie Universität/ Leibniz Institut Moderner Orient (Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse)
PhD Project "Recent debates on the idea of Negritude in Dakar's Contemporary Art: Appropriation and Demarcation Processes as an Artistic Strategy of a Decolonial Practice" (working title)
Annett Hoffmann
Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)
Doctoral research: Methoden Kinderzentrierter Forschungen: Zwischen Kunst und Wissenschaft
Liese Hoffmann
Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
PhD Research: Politics and Meanings of School in Post-Colonial, Coastal Kenya (Funding: Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies)
Iftikhar Hussain
Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
PhD Research on "Divided Families and Belonging in Kargil"
Doaa Kaddah
PhD Candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt and PD Dr. Samuli Schielke)
PhD Project: Our Green Clean Maadi: Dialectical Imagination and Material (Re)formation of an Egyptian Elite Town
Erin Kelso
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin (Dr. Jürgen Schaflechner)
Mitarbeit in dem VW-Freigeist-Projekt "The Populism of the Precarious: Marginalization, Mobilization, and Mediatization of South Asia's Religious Minorities"
Eva Sophia Kirmes
Doktorandin /Doctoral candidate (Prof. Dr. Stephanie Schütze)
Doctoral research: Aspirations for socio-ecological transformation – Indigenous women’s collective action for food sovereignty and anticipation of climate change
Lotte Knote
Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Kai Kresse) seit 2019
Doctoral research: "A feminist political ecology of seaweed farming: gendered livelihood strategies in aquaculture in the Western Indian ocean"
Henrike Kraul
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt), Bibliotheksbeauftragte
Promotionsprojekt: “Dressing the Self – Formations of (bi)sexual and gender identities in Copenhagen, Denmark”
Binyamin Lawal
Doktorand / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger); Förderung: Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies / DAAD
PhD Research on "Expansion of the Sacred into the Public Space: Spatial Contestation between Muslims and Christians in Plateau State, Nigeria"
Diana Carolina Mignano
PhD Candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)
Research project: Intimate Liaisons of Malagasy Women
Angela Robin Murtha
Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)
PhD Project: “The (Re)building of Trust: A Case Study of Refugees Living in Germany”
Simon Mutebi
Assoziiertes Mitglied der Arbeitsstelle Medical Anthropology I Global Health
Lecturer at the Department of Sociology and Anthropology, University of Dar es Salaam
Grace Lanek Oroma
Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Forschungsthema: "Care and care practices during and after Ebola outbreaks: An ethnographic study of frontline health workers and Ebola survivors of the Ebola outbreak in Gulu in 2000/01, Uganda"
Severin Penger
Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)
Promotionsprojekt: „Spuren einer Stadt: Tätowierungen in Neapel“
Gaofeng Qi
Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Promotionsforschung: "Cochlear Implants and Care Trajectories in Urban China" (Förderung: DAAD & Graduate School East Asian Studies)
Lauren Reid
Doktorandin/ PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)
PhD Project "Thinking Beyond the Final Frontier: Cosmic Futures in Thailand"
Carlos Rocha
Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Projekt: "Mastering Infections: An ethnography of traveling capacity building on infection prevention and control (IPC) in Guinea and Ivory Coast"
Irina Savu Cristea
Doktorandin / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka); sonstige Mitarbeiterin im VW-Projekt "MoRePPaR" (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
PhD Project "Emotional regimes, personhood, and self-making practices among young women in North Bali – Pedagogies of self meet collaborative methodologies"
Max Schnepf
Wiss. Mitarbeiter und Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Promotionsforschung im DFG-Projekt "PrEP-Intimitäten in Berlin: Affektive Ambivalenzen und verkörperte Subjekte der biomedizinischen HIV-Prophylaxe"
Franziska Seise
Doktorandin (Prof. Dr. Birgitt Röttger-Rössler)
Promotionsforschung: Diversität (er-)leben und Integration (mit-)gestalten
Melissa Sivri
PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)
Research Project: "Post-Feminist Riders: Non-Male Motorcyclists in Turkey”
Huong Giang Thierbach
Wiss. Mitarbeiterin und Doktorandin im SFB 1171 (Prof. Dr. Röttger-Rössler)
Promotionsforschung: Die Großelternrolle in vietnamesischen Familien
Mayıs Tokel
PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)
Research Assistant at Collaborative Research Centre 1171 Affective Societies; PhD Project: Olfactory Belongings: Contested Scents in Urban Publics
Panos Tsitsanoudis
Doktorand / PhD candidate (Prof. Dr. Thomas Stodulka)
Working title of the PhD Project: Deadly intimacies, gendered deaths: A critical psychological anthropological inquiry of intimate femicidal violence in Greece
Niu Zhuo
Doktorand (Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger)
Doctoral research "COVID-19 at the Chinese Border: Ethnographic Research on a Border City in Yunnan" (Förderung: DAAD & Graduate School East Asian Studies)
İlke İmer
Ph.D. candidate (Prof. Dr. Claudia Liebelt)
Research Assistant at Collaborative Research Centre 1171 Affective Societies; PhD Project: Olfactory Belongings: Contested Scents in Urban Publics