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GLOHRA Lecture "From HIV/AIDS to COVID-19: Towards a Critical Medical Anthropology of Global Health"

News vom 15.11.2023

On 7 November, Prof. Hansjörg Dilger gave a lecture on a critical medical anthropological perspective on global health in the GLOHRA Academy Series.

Here you find a recording of the lecture.

This series directs special attention towards the added value of interdisciplinary and international cooperation in global health research. Every first Tuesday of the month, speakers share insights into their research projects while focusing on research processes, methods as well as lessons learned. Following the 30-minute speaker’s presentation, the Series encourages an academic exchange between the speaker and the audience in a 30-minute Q&A session.

In his talk, Hansjörg Dilger drew on his expertise in social and cultural anthropology to critically examine global health topics. He shared insights on past and current global health challenges from HIV/AIDS to Covid-19.

Further information: German Alliance for Global Health Research website

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