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co-minded Toolbox Ideathon

Foto: Tina Walther

Foto: Tina Walther

Foto: Tina Walther

Foto: Tina Walther

News vom 11.12.2024

On the weekend of November 30th and December 1st, 22 participants from various disciplinary backgrounds and areas of expertise gathered at Freie Universität Berlin for an ideathon aimed at advancing global digital mental health research. This event was a follow-up to the workshop held in early April, which provided the foundation for ongoing collaboration within the co-minded community. Based on feedback from the previous participants, the ideathon sought to build on shared expertise and diverse perspectives to create a tangible output: a comprehensive toolbox for implementing global digital mental health research.

Over two productive days, participants worked collaboratively to envision the structure and content of this toolbox. The primary goal was to compile actionable insights, practical guidance, and essential information to support researchers and practitioners in this field. During the event, participants identified essential components for the toolbox and collaboratively drafted an initial version (version 0) for selected elements. 

The work on the toolbox is ongoing, and the community can look forward to further developments as we continue to improve and expand it. Stay tuned for updates as we move closer to sharing this resource with the broader global digital mental health community.

Learn more about the co-minded community: https://www.cominded.digital/

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