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Recently published: "Finding Peace on a Psychiatric Ward with Yoga: Report on a Pilot Anthropological Study in Pondicherry, India" (Medizinethnologie-Blog)

Photo 1. Male patient practicing bhrāmarī prāṇāyāma with a gesture of closing of external sensory perception yōnimudrā. (screenshot of a film recording) | Photo: K. Bierski

Photo 1. Male patient practicing bhrāmarī prāṇāyāma with a gesture of closing of external sensory perception yōnimudrā. (screenshot of a film recording) | Photo: K. Bierski

Krzysztof Bierski

News vom 06.09.2016

Although yoga has the explicit aim of guiding the flows of consciousness (Hartranft 2003), it was only in the last decade, and alongside the growing public interest in the discipline, that the psychiatric field paid closer attention to yoga’s relevance in recovery from mental ill-health. Yoga has no side effects; it can be low-cost and can be practiced by anyone throughout their lifetime.

In India, the therapeutic applications of yoga in mental health problems are currently being explored at the Integrated Centre for Yoga at the National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (NIMHANS), ... [mehr]

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SFB 1171 Affective Societies
Berlin Southern Theory Lecture