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Prof. Heide Castañeda


University of South Florida


Forschungsprojekt "Impact of European Union Membership on the Roma Living in Germany: Freedom of Movement and Health Citizenship"

Förderung: Fulbright Faculty Research Award (Gastprofessur, 01.05.-30.06.2012)


The Roma are now the European Union’s largest and poorest ethnic minority, with a long history as Europe's ‘eternal outsiders.’ The research uses access to health care as a lens to investigate how the Roma minority in Germany has experienced the transition to EU citizenship. It draws upon the insights of and contributes theoretical implications to two areas of contemporary anthological inquiry: 1) the anthropology of transnational migration, movement, and diaspora; and 2) medical anthropological approaches to health disparities in marginalized populations.  This study introduces a novel approach that examines complex forms of inclusion on national and supranational levels. This ethnographic project utilizes a multi-stage, primarily qualitative research design consisting of exploratory and comparative components to explore distinct groups of Roma with different historical trajectories and experiences of policy, legal status, and health care access. In Germany, this internal heterogeneity manifests itself as a split between national minority and immigrant/refugee identity, which, in turn, has produced real material consequences, along with differential political status and patterns of integration. While other research on Roma has studied them as a group apart from both majority citizens and immigrant groups, here they are considered within the wider spectrum of groups (citizens, immigrants, undocumented workers, refugees).


Artikel im Tagesspiegel (23.06.2012):

SFB 1171 Affective Societies
Berlin Southern Theory Lecture