Dr. des. Astrid Bochow
Max Planck Institut Halle
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Max Planck für ethnologische Forschung in Halle
Forschungsprojekt "Involuntary childlessness in Botswana - disintegration, conflicts and identities"
bochow [at]eth.mpg.de
Academic Vita:
- March 2009 to March 2010
Postdoc Fritz-Thyssen Foundation: ‘Childlessness in the context of high fertility in Botswana: subjectivities between moralities, religion and biomedicine’ - November 2008
Defence of PhD thesis - Since 2004
Researcher in the project "Family change in Westafrica", PhD Candidate - 2003
Assistent of Prof. Dr. Erdmute Alber at "Juniorprofessur" Social Anthropology at University of Bayreuth Scholarship by Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes - 2002
Researcher at Hamburg University about conflict dynamics and witchcraft accusation in Eastern Cape, South Africa - 1994-2002
Studying social anthropology, German studies (Newer German Literature and Linguistics) at Philipps University of Marburg and Free University of Berlin, including "German as a foreign language" as a side subject
Magistra Artium in Social anthropology
- Bochow, Astrid (2010): Intimität und Sexualität vor der Ehe. Gespräche über Ungesagtes in Kumasi und Endwa, Ghana. Hamburg: LIT. (forthcoming)
- Bochow, Astrid (2008): Syncretism and antisyncretism in marriage matters in Kumasi: the role of Pentecostal Charismatic Churches. In: Unpacking the new: critical perspectives on cultural, Hamburg: LIT, 239-267.
- Bochow, Astrid (2008): Valentine’s day in Ghana: youth, sex and fear between the generations. In: Alber, Erdmute, Sjaak van der Geest and Susan R. Whyte (eds.): Generations in Africa, Hamburg: LIT, 418-429.
- Bochow, Astrid (2007): Valentinstag in Kumasi, Ghana. Sexualität und Generationenbeziehungen im. In: Afrika Spektrum (Special Issue) Familienwandel in Afrika, 57-78.
- Bochow, Astrid; Alber, Erdmute (2006): Familienwandel in Afrika. Ein Forschungsüberblick. In: Paideuma 52, 227-250