Dr. Max Kramer

Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Wiss. Mitarbeiter (Dr. Jürgen Schaflechner) bis Okt/2024
Mitarbeit im VW-Freigeist-Projekt "The Populism of the Precarious: Marginalization, Mobilization, and Mediatization of South Asia's Religious Minorities"
Raum 104
14195 Berlin
Max Kramer is a postdoctoral fellow at the Volkswagen Freigeist project "The Populism of the Precarious: Marginalization, Mobilization, and Mediatization of South Asia's Religious Minorities". Within this project, he investigates the mobilizing activities of organizations that address, represent, and produce ‘Indian Muslims’ through mediation. Taking the All India Majlis-e-Ittehad-ul-Muslimeen and other Muslim religious bodies as case-studies, Kramer studies Muslim’s mobilization efforts in India in relation to the moral economy of the Indian nation-state.
Kramer's publications include "Mobilität und Zeugenschaft: Unabhängige Dokumentarfilmpraktiken und der Kaschmirkonflikt" and "Hilflose Himmel: Muktibodh und andere moderne Hindi Dichter". He has worked on a wide range of topics from sociolinguistics to political aesthetics and media anthropology.