Thomas John

Institut für Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie
Doktorand / Doctoral candiate (Prof. Dr. Birgitt Röttger-Rössler)
Doctoral Research „Affizierende Filmproduktionen: Die Aushandlung von Gefühlen der Zugehörigkeit und des Konzepts von Indigenität durch lokale Filmemacher*innen in Chiapas“
Dissertationsprojekt / Doctoral Research
„Affizierende Filmproduktionen: Die Aushandlung von Gefühlen der Zugehörigkeit und des Konzepts von Indigenität durch lokale Filmemacher*innen in Chiapas“
Based on long-term media-ethnographic fieldwork I look at a new indigenous cinema movement through an affect theory and anthropology of emotion perspective, to explore the relation between Affect, Indigeneity, Politics, Aesthetics and Representation
Research Interests
- Contemporary Indigenous Cinema in Latin America
- Contemporary indigenous Art Practices in Mexico
- Affect Theory
- Anthropology of Emotion
- Visual and Media Anthropology
- Documentary Art
- Autoethnography
- collaborative and participatory methods
- Sensory Cinema & the anthropology of the senses
Never Silent Sights. De(colonial) Affect in a Social Environment of Racialisation. Anthrovision VANEASA Online Journal, Vol. 7.2 Special
Issue: Epistemic Disobedience. Transcultural and Collaborative Filmmaking as a Decolonial Option (Florian Walter & Judith Albrecht eds.). Electronic version URL:
Insvestigating affective media practices in a transnational setting. In: Antje Kahl (ed.) Analyzing Affective Societies. Methods and Methodologies, New York: Routledge, pp. 183-199. (co-authored with Ingrid Kummels)
The Politics of Affective Societies. An Interdisciplinary Essay. EmotionsKulturen / EmotionCultures | Volume 7. Series edited by Birgitt
Röttger-Rössler and Anita von Poser. Bielefeld: transcript. (co-authored with Jonas Bens and Aletta Diefenbach et al.)
La producción de pertenencia afectiva por parte del movimiento de los medios indígenas en Chiapas. In: Ingrid Kummels (ed.) La producción afectiva de comunidad: Los medios audiovisuales en el contexto transnacional México-EE.UU. Berlin: Tranvía.
Religiosity in a Virtual World: Reasons and Motivations. In: Undine Frömming (ed.) Virtual Environments and Cultures. A Collection of Social Anthropological Research in Virtual Cultures and Landscapes. Berlin, New York, Oxford, Wien: Peter Lang, pp. 165-176.