Prof. Dr. Tanja A. Börzel

Freie Universität Berlin
Otto Suhr Institute for Political Science
Center for European Integration
Research Director
Room 115
14195 Berlin
Short CV
Tanja A. Börzel is professor of political science and holds the chair for European Integration at the Freie Universität Berlin. She received her PhD from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy in 1999. From 1999 to 2004, she conducted her research and taught at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn, the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the University Heidelberg.
Her research focus and teaching experience lie in the field of institutional theory and Governance, European Integration, and Comparative Politics with a focus on Western and Southern Europe. She mainly concentrates on questions of institutional change as a result of Europeanization as well as on the diffusion of European ideas and policies within and outside of the EU. Since 2009 she has been leading the Kolleg-Forschergruppe (KFG) "The Transformative Power of Europe" together with Prof. Dr. Thomas Risse and she is project coordinator of the FP-7 research project "Maximizing the Enlargement Capacity of the European Union".
Curriculum Vitae
Main fields of interest
European Integration, Institutional Theory, Governance, Comparative Politics
Research Projects
Complete list of publications
Selected Publications
- In preparation (with Risse, T.): Governance without Hierarchy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- In preparation: Non-Compliance in the European Union, under review with Cornell University Press.
- 2002: States and Regions in the European Union. Institutional Adaptation in Germany and Spain, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- 2003: Environmental Leaders and Laggards in Europe. Why There is (not) a Southern Problem, Aldershot, Burlington, Singapore, Sydney: Ashgate.
Edited volumes
- In preparation (co-edited with Wiener, A./Risse, T.): European Integration Theory, 3rd ed., Oxford University Press.
- co-edited with Dimitrova, A./Schimmelfennig, F. 2017: Enlargement and Integration Capacity. Special Issue of Journal of European Public Policy 24/2.
- co-edited with Fagan, A. 2016: Environmental Governance in South East Europe and the Western Balkans: Reassessing the Transformative Power of Europe. Special Issue of Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy.
- co-edited with Risse, T. 2016: The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- co-edited with van Hüllen, V. 2015: Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations, Houndsmill: Palgrave.
- co-edited with Dandashly, A./Risse, T. 2014: Responses to the Arab Spring – The EU in Comparative Perspective. Special Issue of the Journal of European Integration.
- co-edited with Solingen, E. 2014: The Politics of International and Regional Diffusion. Special Issue of International Studies Review 16/2.
- co-edited with Langbein, J. 2013: Convergence without Accession? Explaining Policy Change in the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood. Special Issue of Europe-Asia Studies 65/4, also published 2014 with Routledge: London.
- co-edited with Böttger, K. 2012: Policy Change in the EU's Immediate Neighbourhood. A Comparison in Practice, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
- co-edited with Goltermann, L./Lohaus, M./Striebinger, K. 2012: Roads to Regionalism. Genesis, Design, and Effects of Regional Organizations, Aldershot: Ashgate.
- co-edited with Risse, T. 2012: From Europeanization to Diffusion. Special Issue of West European Politics 35/1.
- 2010: Civil Society on the Rise? EU Enlargement and Societal Mobilization in Central and Eastern Europe. Special Issue of Acta Politica.
- 2009: Coping with Accession to the European Union. New Modes of Environmental Governance, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan.
Peer reviewed articles and book chapters
- co-authored with Lebanidze, B. 2017: 'The Transformative Power of Europe' beyond Enlargement: The EU’s Performance in Promoting Democracy in its Neighbourhood, in: East European Politics 33/1, 17-35.
- co-authored with Schimmelfennig, F. 2017: Coming Together or Drifting Apart? The EU’s Political Integration Capacity in New Members, Accession Candidates, and Eastern Neighbourhood Countries, in: Journal of European Public Policy 24/2, 278-296.
- co-authored with Sedelmeier, U. 2017: Larger and more Law-abiding? The Impact of Enlargement on Compliance in the European Union, in: Journal of European Public Policy 24/2, 197-217.
- co-authored with Dimitrova, A./Schimmelfennig, F. 2017: European Union Enlargement and Integration Capacity: Concepts, Findings, and Policy Implications, in: Journal of European Public Policy 24/2, 157-176.
- co-authored with Risse, T. 2016: Three Cheers for Comparative Regionalism, in: Börzel, T. A./Risse, T. (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 621-648.
- 2016: Theorizing Regionalism: Coopertaion, Integration, and Governance, in: Börzel, T. A./Risse, T. (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 41-63.
- co-authored with Risse, T. 2016: Introduction: Framework of the Handbook and Conceptual Clarifications, in: Börzel, T. A./Risse, T. (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 3-15.
- co-authored with Panke, D. 2015: Europäisierung, in: Wenzelburger, G./Zohlnhöfer, R. (eds): Handbuch Policy-Forschung, Heidelberg: Springer VS, 225-245.
- co-authored with Risse, T. 2015: Zwischen Regionalstudien und Internationalen Beziehungen: Die vergleichende Regionalismusforschung als transdisziplinäres Forschungsfeld, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 56/2, 334-363.
- co-authored with van Hüllen, V. 2015: Towards a Global Script? Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations, in: Börzel, T. A./van Hüllen, V. (eds): Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations. Patching Together a Global Script, Houndmills: Palgrave, 3-21.
- co-authored with Stapel, S. 2015: Mapping Governance Transfer by 12 Regional Organizations. A Global Script in Regional Colors, in: Börzel, T. A./van Hüllen, V. (eds): Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations. Patching Together a Global Script, Houndmills: Palgrave, 22-50.
- co-authored with van Hüllen, V. 2014: One Voice, One Message, but Conflicting Goals. Cohesiveness and Consistency in the European Neighbourhood Policy, in: Journal of European Public Policy 21/7, 1033-1049.
- co-authored with van Hüllen, V. 2014. State-Building and the EU’s Fight Against Corruption: Why Legitimacy Matters, in: Governance 27/4.
- co-authored with Hackenesch, C. 2013: Small Carrots, Few Sticks: EU Good Governance Promotion in Sub-Saharan Africa, in: Cambridge Review of International Affairs 26/3, 536-555.
- 2012: The European Union – A Unique Governance Mix?, in: Levi-Faur, D. (ed.): Oxford Handbook of Governance, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 613-627.
- 2010: European Governance – Negotiation and Competition in the Shadow of Hierarchy, in: Journal of Common Market Studies 48/2, 191-454.
- co-authored with Bolleyer, N. 2010: Non-Hierarchical Policy Coordination in Multi-level Systems, in: European Political Science Review 2/2, 157-185.
- co-authored with Hofmann, T./Panke, D./Sprungk, C. 2010: Obstinate and Inefficient. Why Member States Do Not Comply with European Law, in: Comparative Political Studies 43/11, 1363-1390.
- co-authored with Risse, T. 2009: Venus Approaching Mars? The European Union’s Approaches to Democracy Promotion, in: Magen, A./Risse, T./McFaul, M. A. (eds): Promoting Democracy and the Rule of Law. American and European Strategies, Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 34-60.
- co-authored with Panke, D. 2007: Network Governance: Effective and Legitimate?, in: Sorenson, E./Torfing, J. (eds): Theories of Democratic Network Governance, London: Routledge, 153-166.
- co-authored with Risse, T. 2007: Europeanization: The Domestic Impact of EU Politics, in: Joergensen, K. E./Pollack, M. A./Rosamond, B. (eds): Handbook of European Union Politics, London: Sage, 483-504.
- 2005: Mind the Gap! European Integration between Level and Scope, in: Journal of European Public Policy 12/2, 1-20.
- 2002: Pace-Setting, Foot-Dragging, and Fence-Sitting. Member State Responses to Europeanization, in: Journal of Common Market Studies 40/2, 193-214.