Prof. Dr. Soo Yeon Kim

Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe"
Home Institution: National University of Singapore
Senior Visiting Researcher
Room 112
14195 Berlin
Prof. Dr. Soo Yeon Kim has been Visiting Fellow at the KFG in October 2015.
Short CV
Soo Yeon Kim is Associate Professor of Political Science at the National University of Singapore. She holds a PhD in Political Science from Yale University and a B.A. in Political Science and International Studies from Yonsei University. Soo Yeon Kim's main research area is trade politics. She is the author of Power and the Governance of Global Trade: From the GATT to the WTO (Cornell University Press, 2010). Her current research focuses on production networks, multinational firms, and the politics of free trade agreements in Asia. Soo Yeon Kim's recent publications include "Does Enforcement Matter? Judicialization in PTAs and Trade Flows" (World Trade Review, 2015), "Regionalization in Search of Regionalism: Production Networks and Deep Integration Commitments in Asia's PTAs" (in Andreas Dür and Manfred Elsig, eds. Trade Cooperation: The Purpose, Design and Effects of Preferential Trade Agreements, Cambridge University Press, 2015) and "Deep Integration and RTAs" (in Lisa Martin, ed. The Oxford Handbook of the Politics of International Trade, Oxford University Press, 2015).