Prof. Liesbet Hooghe

Kolleg-Forschergruppe "The Transformative Power of Europe"
University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill)
Short CV
Liesbet Hooghe is W.R. Kenan, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Political Science at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, Chair in Multilevel Governance at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and currently Research Fellow at the KFG ‘the Transformative Power of Europe’. She is former Chair of the European Union Studies Association and of the European Politics & Society Section of the APSA. Her research interests lie in multilevel governance below and above the national state, European integration, political parties, political elites, and public opinion.
Curriculum Vitae
Main Fields of Interest
- Identity
- Parties & Public Opinion
- Political Elites (esp. in the European Commission)
- European Integration
Select Publications
Monographs and Edited Volumes
- co-authored with Marks, G. et al. forthcoming: Community, Scale, and the Design of International Organization: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Volume IV.
- co-authored with Marks, G./Lenz, T./Bezuijen, J./Ceka, B./Derderyan, S. 2017: Measuring International Authority: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Volume III, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- co-authored with Marks, G./Schakel, A./Niedzwiecki, S./Chapman Osterkatz, S./Shair-Rosenfield, S. 2016: Community, Scale, and Regional Governance: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Volume II, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- co-authored with Marks, G./Schakel, A. H./Niedzwiecki, S./Chapman Osterkatz, S./Shair-Rosenfield, S. 2016: Measuring Regional Authority: A Postfunctionalist Theory of Governance, Volume I, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
co-authored with Kassim, H. et al. 2013: The European Commission of the 21st Century, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
co-authored with Bauer, M. et al. 2012: The European Commission in Question, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
co-authored with Marks, G./Schakel, A. H. 2010: The Rise of Regional Authority: A Comparative Study of 42 Democracies (1950-2006), London: Routledge.
co-edited with Marks, G./Schakel, A. H. 2008: Regional Authority in 42 Democracies, 1950-2006: A Measure and Five Hypotheses, in: Regional and Federal Studies Special Issue 18/2-3.
co-edited with Marks, G. 2007: Understanding Euroscepticism, in: Acta Politica Special Issue42/2-3.
Refereed Articles
- co-authored with Marks G./Shair-Rosenfield, S. 2014: A Comparative Measure of Decentralization for Southeast Asia, in: Journal of East Asian Studies 14/1, 85-108.
co-authored with Marks, G. et al. 2014: Patterns of International Organization: Task-specific vs.General-Purpose, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49, 131-156.
co-authored with Marks, G. 2014: Delegation and Pooling in International Organizations, in: The Review of International Organizations 10/3, 305-328.
co-authored with Marks, G./Shair-Rosenfield, S. 2014: A Comparative Measure of Decentralization for Southeast Asia, in: Journal of East Asian Studies 14/1, 85-108.
2012: Images of Europe: How Commission Officials Conceive their Institution’s Role in the EU, in: Journal of Common Market Studies 50/1, 87-111.
co-authored with Bakker, R./Brigevich, A./de Vries, C./Edwards, E./Marks, G./Rovny, J./Steenbergen, M./Vachudova, M. 2010: Measurement Validity and Party positioning: Chapel Hill expert surveys of 2002 and 2006, in: European Journal of Political Research 42/4.
co-authored with Marks, G. 2010: Types of Multilevel Governance, in: Enderlein, H./Wälti, S./Zürn, M.: Handbook on Multilevel Governance, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 17-31.
co-authored with Marks, G. 2009: Efficiency and the Territorial Structure of Government, in: Annual Review of Political Science 12/May, 225-241.
co-authored with Marks, G. 2009: A Postfunctionalist Theory of European Integration: From Permissive Consensus to Constraining Dissensus, in: British Journal of Political Science 39/1, 1-23 [with responses by Philippe Schmitter, Hanspeter Kriese, Tanja Börzel and Thomas Risse].
co-authored with Vachudova, M. 2009: Postcommunist Politics in a Magnetic Field: How Transition and EU Accession Structure Party Competition on European Integration, in: Comparative European Politics 7/2, 179-212.
co-authored with Marks, G. 2008: European Union?, in: West European Politics. Anniversary Issue 31/1–2, 107 – 129.
co-authored with Marks, G./Schakel, A. 2008: Measuring Regional Authority, in: Regional and Federal Studies 18/2-3, 111-120.
co-authored with Marks, G./Schakel, A. 2008: Operationalizing Regional Authority: A Coding Scheme for 42 Countries, 1950–2006, in: Regional and Federal Studies 18/2-3, 121-140.
co-authored with Marks, G./Schakel, A. 2008: Patterns of Regional Authority, in: Regional and Federal Studies 18/2-3, 165-180.
Other Articles, Book Chapters and Working Papers
- co-authored with Alter, K. J. 2016: Regional Dispute Settlement, in: Börzel, Tanja A./Risse, Thomas (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Comparative Regionalism, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 538-558.
- co-authored with Marks, G./Schakel, A. H. 2015: Multilevel Governance and the State, in: Leibfried, Stephan/Huber, Evelyne/Lange, Matthew/Levy, Jonah D./Nullmeier, Frank/Stephens, John (eds): The Oxford Handbook of Transformations of the State, Oxford: Oxford Unviersity Press, 266-282.
- co-authored with Keating, M./Tatham, M. 2015: Bypassing the Nation State? Regions and the EU Policy Process, in: Richardson, Jeremy/Mazey, Sonia (eds): European Union: Power and Policy-making, 4th ed. Routledge, 445-467.
co-authored with Marks, G. 2013: Politicization, in: Jones, E./Weatherill, S./Menon, A.: The Oxford Handbook on the European Union. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
2012: The European Commission in the 21st Century: Core Beliefs on EU Governance, in: KFG Working Paper Series 38, April 2012, Kolleg-Forschergruppe “The Transformative Power of Europe”, Berlin: Freie Universität.
co-authored with Marks, G. 2012: Beyond Federalism: Estimating and Explaining the Territorial Structure of Government, in: KFG Working Paper Series 37, April 2012, Kolleg-Forschergruppe “The Transformative Power of Europe”, Berlin: Freie Universität.
2009: Letter from the Chair: A Time of Turmoil, in: EUSA Review21/4, 2-3.