Dr. May-Britt U. Stumbaum

Graduate School of East Asian Studies
Freie Universität Berlin
GEAS Visiting Fellow
Room 1.19
14195 Berlin
Short CV
May-Britt U. Stumbaum, PhD, is Head of the NFG Research Group "Asian Perceptions of the EU" at the Free University of Berlin, funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research. Previous positions included Senior Research Fellow and Executive Director, China and Global Security Programme/subsequently Head of EU-China Project, at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI), Fritz Thyssen Fellow at WCFIA, Harvard University, Head of the International Forum on Strategic Thinking/Senior Researcher, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP), Head of Asia Department, Berlin Partner and Seminar Leader for the Bosch Foundation. May-Britt U. Stumbaum worked as a Visiting Fellow at several renowned European and Chinese think tanks. She is a co-founder of Women in International Security Deutschland (WIIS.de) and served as its president from 2003 – 2008.
May-Britt U. Stumbaum graduated with an MSc in European Politics and Governance from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) and received her PhD from the Free University of Berlin on "Decision-Making in EU Foreign and Security Policy towards the PR China".
Main fields of interest
Processes of transfer and diffusion in European foreign and security policy towards Asia (particularly India and China), deviating perceptions and connotations in EU-Asian relations, security policy, dual-use technology transfer
KFG Associated Research Project
NFG Research Group 'Asian Perceptions of the EU': "External views on the EU as a Civilian Power – India and China in Comparison", funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research's initiative "Europa von Außen gesehen".
- 2009: The EU and China. EU Decision-Making in Foreign and Security Policy toward the People’s Republic of China, Baden-Baden: Nomos.
Edited Volumes
- 2008: The strategic partnership of EU and China; Rhetoric vs. Political Realities, in: Orientation of the European Integration and China-EU Relations, Shanghai: Shanghai Institute for European Studies, 359-388 (in Mandarin).
- 2007: Sino-European Strategic Partnership: Retrospect, Vision and Suggestions from a European perspective, in: Current situation and future prospects of Asia-Europe security co-operation: proceedings of the fifth Shanghai Workshop on Global Governance, January 23-24, 2007, FES China / Shanghai Institute for International Studies, June 2007.
- co-edited with Christiansson, M. 2007: Security Challenges in Times of Change, DGAPBericht, No. 5, 22 October 2007.
Book Chapters
- 2015: Drivers and Barriers to Regional Integration in Traditional Security fields- Europe and Asia-Pacific in Comparison and the Role of Great Powers, in: Murray, P./Brennan, L. (eds.): Drivers of Regionalism and Integration in Europe and Asia. Comparative Perspectives, New York, NY: Routledge.
- co-authored with Sun, X. 2014: China, in: Kaldor, M./Rangelov, I. (eds.): Handbook of Global Security Policy. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 371-387.
- 2014: Asian Views on Venus: Perceptions of the EU in Security Policy Fields, in: Chaban, N./Holland, M. (eds.): Communicating Europe in Times of Crisis: External Perceptions of the European Union, Basingstokes: Palgrave Macmillan, 97-117.
- co-authored with Xiong, W. 2012: Conceptual Differences of Strategic Partnership in EU-China Relations. In: Pan, Z. (ed.): Conceptual Gaps in EU-China Relations. Global Governance, Human Rights and Strategic Partnerships, London: Routledge, 156-172.
- 2010: How to deal with China's Military Rise? Differing Responses of the European Union and the United States and the Case of Dual-use Technology Transfer, in: Cebeci, M. (ed.): Issues in European Union and US Foreign Policy, Lanham: Lexington Books, 293-308.
- 2010: Europe's Views on China's Role in International Security, in: van der Putten, F.-P./Shuling, C. (eds): China and Europe in International Security, New York, NY: Routledge.
- 2007: Engaging China - Uniting Europe? The EU's Common Foreign and Security Policy towards China", in: Musu, C./Casarini, N. (eds): The Road Towards Convergence: European Foreign Policy in an Evolving International System, London: Palgrave MacMillan.
- 2006: Current status of cooperative and collective security mechanisms in Europe, in: Fort, B. (ed.): New Security Challenges for Asia and Europe, Singapore: Marshall Cavendish.
- 2004: European Integration in the Field of Foreign and Security Policy - a Model for Asia?, in: Fort, B. (ed.): One Year of Cultures & Civilisations Dialogue 2003/2004, Singapore: ASEF, 264-281.
Journal Arcticles
- 2015: The diffusion of norms in security-related fields: views from China, India and the EU. Asia Europe Journal: 1-17.
- 2013: Apples and oranges? Comparing Chinese and European Perspectives on the EU as a Security Actor. European Foreign Affairs Review, 18(3): 355-371.
- 2010a: Europe must get inside the mind of the dragon, in: Europe’s World, Summer 2010.
- 2010b: Toward a Transatlantic Approach to Technology Transfers to China, in: Policy Brief, Asia Programme, German Marshall Fund of the United States, 9 July 2010.
- 2008: The invisible ban. EU maintains weapons embargo on China, in: Jane's Intelligence Review: Chinawatch, December 2008, 52-3.
- 2008: Vom Schmutzfink zum Streber. Peking kann nicht nur auf Kohle setzen - eine Chance für Deutschland, in: Internationale Politik, Oktober 2008, 48-51.
- 2007: Limits and Opportunities of Europe - China Security Cooperation, in: The International Spectator, Vol. XLII, No. 3.
Policy Papers
- 2014: How Europe Matters in Asian Security- Addressing Non-traditional Security Threats Under Climate change Conditions: Towards a New Research Agenda on Norm Diffusion in EU-Asia Security Relations. NFG Working Paper Series, No. 9. NFG Research Group "Asian Perceptions of the EU", Freie Universität Berlin.
- 2014: Transatlantic Cooperation on China: More Than an Ocean Between, Transatlantic Perspectives. American Institute for Contemporary German Studies (AICGS). Washington, DC: Johns Hopkins University.
- 2013: Responding to Change in Asia-Pacific. NFG Policy Paper Series, No. 1. NFG Research Group "Asian Perceptions of the EU", Freie Universität Berlin.
- 2012: How Asia Views the EU Security in an Interpolar World. NFG Working Paper Series No.1. NFG Research Group "Asian Perceptions of the EU", Freie Universität Berlin.
- 2010: The Current State of EU-China High-Tech Cooperation with a special focus on the aerospace industry and the arms embargo debate, in: Tai Ming Cheung (ed.): The Rise of the Chinese Defense Economy. Innovation Potential, industrial performance, and regional comparisons. Policy Brief No. 15, IGCC University of California San Diego, September 2010.
- 2009: Risky Business? The EU, China and Dual-Use Technology, Occasional Paper No.80, October 2009, Paris: EU Institute for Security Studies.
- co-authored with Sandschneider, E. 2008: Ein Erdbeben als Chance für die westliche Welt? Leitlinien für die deutsche Chinapolitik, DGAPStandpunkt, No. 6, May 2008 (ins Chinesische übersetzt und publiziert durch Xinhua; abgedruckt in chinesischen Zeitungen).
- co-authored with Maulny, J. P. et al. 2007: Lessons learned from European defence equipment programmes, Auftragsstudie für die Europäische Verteidigungsagentur (EDA), veröffentlicht als Occasional Paper No. 69, October 2007, Paris: EU ISS.