Dr. Sören Stapel

SFB 700 - Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood
B2 - Governance Export by Regional Organizations
PhD Candidate
Sören Stapel has been a PhD Candidate at the KFG and BTS from September 2012 until April 2013. He is now covering a PostDoc position at the School of Global Studies, University of Gotheburg, Sweden. For further information please visit his academic profile.
Short CV
- Currently covering a PostDoc position at the School of Global Studies at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden
09/2012 - 04/2013: PhD Candidate, Berlin Graduate School for Transnational Studies, Freie Universität Berlin, Hertie School of Governance, Social Science Research Center Berlin
since 04/2012: Program Assistant, Program Chair's Office International Studies Association (ISA) 2013 Annual Convention, Prof. Tanja A. Börzel and Prof. Herman Schwartz
10/2006 – 12/2011: Freie Universität Berlin, Diplom Politikwissenschaften
08/2008 – 05/2009: Université de Montréal, M.A. sciences politiques
practical experience with among others European Academy Berlin, the Institute for European Politics, and the Chair for European Integration at Freie Universität Berlin
Main Fields of Interest
Comparative Regionalism
Diffusion Processes
EU External Relations
European and African Regional Integration
KFG Research Project
The EU is not the only game in town – disentangling global and regional patterns of diffusion in comparative regionalism
- co-authored with Börzel, T. A. 2015: A Global Script in Regional Colors: Mapping Governance Transfer by Twelve Regional Organizations, in: Börzel, Tanja A./van Hüllen, Vera (eds): Governance Transfer by Regional Organizations: Patching Together a Global Script, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 22-50.
- co-authored with Kirschner, V. 2012: Does regime type matter? Regional integration from the nation states' perspectives in ECOWAS, in: Börzel, T. A./Goltermann, L./Lohaus, M./Striebinger, K. (eds): Roads to Regionalism. Genesis, Design, and Effects of Regional Organizations, Farnham: Ashgate, 141-157.